Moving In Silence 🤫

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I'm only gonna say this once ladies.
Omg I can not stress this enough. I'm not talking about just keeping your mouth shut about secrets of things you've done that are wrong or embarrassing. I'm talking about telling people your plans and next move. For example, if you were going to war and you told the inside man who you didn't know was an inside your next move, he'll/she'll go back and tell your enemy or he/she will take matters into their own hands to defeat you. Please learn to keep your mouth shut. Another example that's more relatable: If your going to a job interview don't post about the interview until you actually get the job and when you get the job don't post it as soon as possible, wait a little, and when ready to post it, don't make it seem like a big deal, act as if you already knew you were going to get the job, keep it cute, classy, and settle. When you tell people your next move you give them permission to sabotage everything you place your hand upon and everything you touch will not be blessed but distroyed because you ran your mouth to someone who finally figured out how to ruin it all. Or even if no one specifically tried to ruin it, maybe it was fate. Let's just say you posted about your interview and turns out you don't get hired. Now what?! It is important you keep things like this to yourself and if you succeed and you decide to announce it than keep it classy and settle. There's nothing wrong with excitement but don't get your hopes up too high before results come in and don't run your mouth to anyone.

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