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1.Smile:You have to be positive. You can't give off a negative vibe. Don't just only smoke with your mouth but smile with your eyes. Being friendly allows the person to put down that wall they out up towards people. This will make the person vulnerable, and when someone is vulnerable you can get what you want from them

2.Eyes : This includes eye contact, bat your eye lashes (don't over do it though), and smile with your eyes. People who do this well are Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. Their stare and the way they made eye contact was so charming yet sensual, almost like you were being put under a spell,you would get lost in the moment looking at them. This is how it should be. It gives them something for someone to focus on instead of focusing on how they should keep their guard up, you are making them feel relaxed and safe.

3.Be calm /Having a soft voice: It's okay if your voice has some depth or base. Softening your voice does not mean sound squeaky or high pitch, it just means to take out the agression your voice. Use Jessica Rabbit as an example. Although her voice is sensual and deep, its soft. Slow down when you talk, don't rush your sentences, and speak a little lower than you normally do. Loud gives off aggressiveness but when you speak soft or a little quiet it forces the person to really listen to what you are saying. They make themselves capture and comprehend every word you say. This also does what I mentioned in #2 just as eyes can enchant and capture so can  your voice. Your voice may be easier to work with than your eyes.

4. Good posture:
It makes the person feel you are giving them your undivided attention and that makes anyone feel like someone wants to understand them and listen to them. Lean in and make them feel you are Intuned with what they are saying as if you are trying to take mental notes.

If you watch A S M R you will understand that the soft and slowness gives you an overwhelming sense of calm and satisfaction causing you to be vulnerable to the point where you are at your complete relaxed state and if possible it will put you in the most comfortable yet deep sleep. I'm not saying put the person to sleep but these things will cause a person to relax and calm down, they physically will soften themselves. Their muscles will relax, their breathing will slow down, and finally they will feel safe and will forget to keep their guard up. When you sound trustworthy, give someone a calm, and don't give any negative vibe a person will feel safe enough to do things for you and to be around you.

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