Chivalry Is Respect

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Examples of chivalry:
Someone opening the door for you
Or holding your items for you
Helping you out when you have a heavy load

These things are three out of many. Especially when comes to guys.
For teens I won't say "don't date at all" because you will probably do it anyway. But if your gonna like a guy and take him "seriously" then make sure he does some of these things for you. In my opinion these things show he is considerate, kind, and respectful. These qualities are needed because as a Feminine woman you shouldn't have to always do those things, this will help you to be open and receive. This could also let you know that he was taught well by either his mother and or his father. Alot of boys (in this generation) don't do these things. Stay away from them, if they can't at least respect you at the little things like these then they probably don't care to respect you at all.

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