Social Media Etiquette📱

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Now this one is one I see alot of femininity coaches, channels, and IG pages talk about. Yes as a Feminine woman, you need to have social media etiquette. You are a projecting an image that no matter how much or how many times ou try o archive or delete, it will always exist. For
example, Before you go to a job interview, your social media accounts have already been found and analyzed. If they see you up there twerking, half naked in ever picture, always smoking and sticking up your middle finger, always drunk in your videos. They most likely will tell you "We will call you in two or three days" in other words, your not hired. Why? Because they don't want a raunchy, sloppy girl who acts like a kid trying to act like they can represent a company that's probably worth millions of dollars. If you wanna represent a million dollars then you better present like you are worth a million dollars. Not only just for opportunities to make money but this is for anything. Social media is how most people perceive you before they meet you, sometimes even after they meet you, they will think the real you is what you put out on the internet. If you don't want to be looked at as ratchet, obnoxious, and slutty, then change how you present yourself on your paltform and in real life. Real people with real money and real lives won't always take you seriously. If you want to be respected, respect yourself. Once people see that you have high self respect they will walk away if they aren't willing to respect you, and you should be glad they walked away because they will be an obstacle for you.

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