Femininity In Friendships

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As a teenager I understand that friendships are a big deal for me. I never really had friends or hung around people who had a mindset like mind and that held me back especially in my Sophomore year of high school. So here are some tips of how to find good friends and to stay away from those who aren't willing to respect that you are on your feminine journey.

1. Find like minded people: find people who are on the same path as you or have similar ambitions and goals. Befriend other females that are on their femininity journey. This will ensure you have full support from your friends because you all are focused on similar things and know what each other's needs are. These like minded friends should also be on their femininity journey, or should be having an interest in it so that one won't influence the other to do the opposite.

2. Don't join the crowd: The crowd are those who want to follow every trend and are focused on nothing but getting a bunch of likes and views on social media and believe everything everyone says. They fall for everything because they don't stand  for anything. This is because they go where ever the wind blows and don't know who they are as a person. Most of then don't have goals and ambitions and probably don't give a care in the world about yours. So don't follow the crowd just because you don't know where to go. Know yourself so you can make decisions based on what you think, how you feel, and common sense.

3 Observations: Observe before you claim someone as your friend. There are good people in this world but a majority of them are either going to drag you don't because they aren't like minded and have the power to persuade you to change your mind about who you are and what you want. Or they are simply fake and will do every thing to knock you off the path that you need to be on. So just look around, compare / contrast, filter out and then decide who you should hang out with. These people should respect your morals and values, help you when you are in a time of need, make sure you are at your best at all times, they will correct you when you are wrong, and will tell you the truth whether you may like it or not.

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