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(With Marnie)

Marnie won the competition of rock, paper, scissors between herself, Hop, and Gloria, meaning that she would be the first of the group to test her hand against the Water type Gym. Both of her friends were somewhat simple when it came to the subtle arts of manipulation in the game of rock, paper, scissors, if you make them nervous enough about something they will go for the easiest one, which is rock.

Y/n was off fighting some man currently, if Marnie was to assume anything she would say that he was the man that Y/n was talking about, the man that Y/n's father called in a favor for, despite his son wanting to punch him in the face and drag him back by the hair. She knew Y/n was by all definitions of the words, messed up, and she knew because she had been up on both occasions that Y/n hadn't bothered going to sleep, instead he would just go somewhere and gaze at something.

"I wonder what goes on in his mind somethings? It's not healthy to keep things  bottled inside." Softly murmured Marnie, rubbing the underside of Morpeko's chin and earned a cheerful smile from her partner, her partner was going to be her ace today, since the rules said it was going to be a 3 vs 3. "Wait.... only the girls are norm..... never mind, Gloria." Amusedly chuckled Marnie, noting the fact that she was the only normal person in her friend group, but that's what made them all interesting since they weren't like anyone she had ever met before.

Her friends were all unique, Gloria was loud and powerful, she was basically the leader of the group, yet she hated peppers with a passion. Hop was determined, he was also quite compared to Gloria's loudness and whenever Marnie asked why she was told that she would be told eventually, even Y/n didn't know. Lastly was Y/n, the guy had severe daddy issues and an anger towards the man to booth, but he was also witty and amusing.

"Morpeko, Scraggy, and Croagunk." Idly whispered Marnie, she already had a basic plan laid out for all of her Pokémon for the fight, as Morpeko hopped off of her shoulders and allowed her to take of her clothes in the changing room. "The former and latter will weaken them, and Scraggy will finish it off and get Moxie activated." Calmly recalled Marnie, pulling on her 960 jumper and shorts, shaking her hair out a moment later and felt Morpeko hop back on her shoulder.

"May Marnie please make her way to the battle field. Repeat, may Marnie please make her way to the battle field for her second Gym Badge challenge." Loudly blared the voice over the intercoms, making Marnie look up at the source of the noise and rub Morpeko's head one last time.

She needed to become Champion so Spikemuth would become better, people would want to visit it and it would receive more money as well, they would all live better lives there. The town she came from was dark, dreary, and overall had a completed lack of fun in it, when she was a child she would spend most of the time outside the city, playing with wild Pokémon much to her brother, and parents worry.

"Let's do this." Softly sighed Marnie, making the girl calmly walk through the doors of the changing room and into the tunnel, which would then lead her to her platform, and she could already head the louder member (Team Yell) already cheering her name, as others cheered for the Gym Leader. "Stay calm." Reassuringly whispered Marnie, walking through the tunnel with her heart pounding in her ears, as the light of the stadium began shining in her eyes.

Marnie's eyes adjusted quickly as she took in the Water type Gym Leader, Nessa was her name if Marnie recalled, who was a model and a swimmer and both complimented her body. For the battlefield it was obviously an advantage for Water types, since it was a large pool with a few platforms scattered through the area, while 90% of the pool was water and 10% was platforms scattered through the pool, though each platform was within jumping distance for all of her Pokémon.

"This is a 3 vs 3! The challenger may substitute whenever she wants to! The match is over whenever all 3 Pokémon are unconscious!" Loudly announced the ref, wearing a black and white jumper, along with a pair of grey jeans, sunglasses, a whistle hanging from his neck, and a pack of colored cards on his  hip. "Begin!" Dramatically called the ref, Morpeko took the opportunity to leap off of Marnie's shoulder, as Nessa threw her Pokéball into the air, it snapped open once it reached the apex of its throw.

I wanna be Legendary! (Pokemon Sword and Shield X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now