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"ms. harper," mr. bentley nods as i sit across from him in the small board room, a brown paper bag of steaming food from the cafe that ethan brought me.

"how has your morning been?" i ask lightly and nervously, as always.

even though i'm a measly step down from him in the company, he's still the most intimidating man i've ever met.

we became business partners when i was fresh out of college with a degree in journalism and after minoring in business. he said he wanted a young person to be the tail end of his company, and i quickly obliged to work with him.

he's old— maybe 50, i think? with grayish hair and glasses that perch on his nose.

he always wears a dark grey suit, never black or navy, and his shoes never have a speck of dirt on them.

"i'm good, and you?" he asks, already beginning to eye the food in my hands.

i slyly smile and push the bag toward him. "i'm doing fantastic. the food is from red line cafe. your favorite, right?"

he nods, already digging into the bag. i watch as he pulls out a takeout box of a burger and fries, and helps himself.

i grab the next thing in the bag, and am pleasantly surprised to see that it's the salad i faintly remember complimenting a couple weeks ago to ethan.

he must've remembered that i liked it.

we start off on a slow and polite conversation as we eat, discussing publishing dates and the computers that are malfunctioning in the editing room.

mr. bentley suddenly drops his napkin and clears his throat. "harper, may i ask you a question?"

i sip on a bottle of water that came in the bag. "certainly."

"where do you see yourself in ten years?"

i almost laugh at how much this sounds like a job interview, even though i'm most certainly one of the most important people in the building right now.

"i guess i wouldn't know. hopefully still working here, and happy with it," i answer eventually.

"what changes would you see being made within the company?"

"what are you asking?" i question carefully.

"i'm asking on your opinions of how we're running things," he puts quite simply. "anyone in need of termination, possibly anything that needs to be updated, or new hires?"

i think for a moment, then shake my head. "nothing come to mind, sir. may i ask why you're asking me these questions?"

"we're business partners, harper. and you are the only young woman i know of in this city that takes such bold risks with their life."

"really?" i almost choke. "i... i wouldn't consider myself to be such a risk taker."

"you trusted me with the idea of windy city online when you were fresh out of school, still trying to pay off student loans and trying not to get crushed by the weight of the world. i would consider yourself to be a bit of a stuntwoman."

i laugh a little, tapping my dark green acrylic nails on the glass table. "thank you. but no, i don't have any suggestions as of now. everything is... perfect."

he nods, and we go back to quietly eating.

while looking down at my food, i catch a reflection of myself on the table.

it's still the same old me, dark hair let down in waves and modern glasses perched on my nose, showcasing my green eyes.

but something is different.

i've done quite a bit of growing up within the past few years, and it's been exhausting.


"head up, harper," i hear a deep voice say, and i immediately jump up from my position of laying on my head on the desk.

i groan and see ethan slide a steaming coffee across the wooden surface, and accept it gratefully.

"thank you," i yawn. "it's 3 pm. i really shouldn't be needing this right now."

ethan shrugs, and shifts the stack of papers he has in one hand. "rough day with bentley?"

"not necessarily," i wince, bringing the styrofoam cup to my lips. "just... i'm getting old."

"you're 24," he laughs. "that's not old."

"emotionally, i mean," i further explain, waving my hand around with my words and staring at the plaque on the opposite end of my office.

"don't we all have to get old at some point, though?"

i narrow my eyes at him. "thanks, captain obvious," i say dryly.

he taps my desk, and then retreats to his own office, shutting the door and reaching for the pen on his desk.

sighing, i open my computer and begin to work on some emails that i haven't gotten around to finishing.

even ethan can't keep up with all of them, so i do my best to put in my part.

my eyes burn for a long time, until i hear the clicking noise of a door.

i look up to see ethan in a jacket, dangling some keys.

"where are you going?" i ask, rubbing my temples as i feel a headache come on.

he gives me a funny look. "home. like everyone else."

i sharply look at the time from the small clock on my desk.

"since when is it 5:30?" i ask.

"you work yourself too hard, i'm telling you," he sighs, heading for my office door.

"i do work so i don't have to pass it on to you!" i call out.

he turns around, a smile present on his face. "so i can leave at a normal time like everyone else?"

i point at him. "exactly. now go, i was in the zone."

without another word, he leaves with the steady stream of people also on this floor. not many people up this high, though. we have mary, my receptionist, and a couple of random people running around. i don't exactly know what they do, but that's not my problem.

at 7:00, i finally shut my computer and grab my coat from the hook on the door. the expensive material feels good to slip on, but i secretly can't wait until i get back at my apartment and can put on my pajamas.

with one last look, i shut off the office lights.

when all is said and done | e.d.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt