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(^^^ this is a bit different! sometimes i will break the three chapter pattern if it fits better with the storyline, but i'll always let you know when i do)

my eyes flick around the restaurant, trying to spot thomas. i got a rough description from samantha, saying he has brown hair, no glasses, and a clean, groomed stubble beard.

i find someone that fits the description sitting at a table in the far corner in the back, seeming to be searching for someone as well.

taking a deep breath, i smooth out my shirt and approach the table slowly.

"hi," i smile. "would you happen to be thomas?"

he grins at me, and stands up, holding out his hand. "would you happen to be harper?"

"that's me," i laugh and shake his hand. he motions to the seat across from him, and i take a seat.

"it's nice to meet you," he says as i scan my eyes over the menu in front of me. "samantha has been a friend of mine for a bit, and she said she had the perfect friend to set me up with."

"she said a very similar thing to me," i say, smirking just slightly. "but i trust samantha with my life, so here i am."

"here you are," he repeats with a laugh, reaching for his water glass.

"so what do you do?" i ask.

"i'm actually just finished med school. i'm shadowing a couple of surgeons in the area for a required amount of hours, and then i'll be able to officially declare myself a doctor."

"wow," i beam. "fancy."

"samantha told me she works with you, so i know a bit, but what do you do at windy city?"

i breathe out, trying to form my answer. it's a turn off to most guys when they find out i'm successful. don't know why, but that's the way it is.

"i work closely with the ceo, managing budgets and creating goals with the board to reach within our company," i answer eventually.

"well that sounds important," he laughs a little. "sam didn't let me in on that much."

i shrug sheepishly, reaching for my water. "eh, i try
my best."

the restaurant is casual as the regular dinner flow streams in and out. thomas and i talk more about what we do at our jobs until a waiter comes over. he orders a chicken breast with veggies, and i stick to my usual salad.

"so have you always lived in chicago?" i ask, leaning across the table a little bit. samantha already told me that he has, but conversation gaps make me uncomfortable.

"yeah, i grew up in vernon hills. you?"

"naperville," i respond, smiling.

"oh, so not too far apart? what is it— an hour?"

i shrug. "i don't know off the top of my head, but i'd assume so."

he's very funny and polite. he makes eye contact when i'm speaking, and it lets me know that he's actually listening. which is... refreshing.

i ask him to practice his doctor's handwriting on the restaurant napkin, and he purposefully makes it god awful to make me laugh.

during his third story of his crazy college years, i hang off every single word, finding humor in the way he almost re-enacts the entire thing with his hand gestures and facial expressions

"wait— so they hung him off the balcony by his underwear?" i ask in awe.

"yes!" he exclaims, laughing loudly. "it was the first floor, but oh my god i thought he was going to die. he was totally cool with it as long as we supplied him honey buns and beer."

i almost spit my drink out from giggling, and cover my mouth with my hand to stop it. "oh my god," i finally say when i've swallowed. "that sounds like a nightmare."

"the best years of my life," he sighs happily.

my college years were normal. it makes me sad hearing all these amazing stories that other people have to share, and i don't really have anything. i ate a lot of microwave noodles, cried every night, and turned in the tear stained homework every morning.

you know— the usual college experience.

"i don't have any insane party stories," i say, trying to think of something. "but i do have an awkward experience from around the time."

he leans in a little. "do tell, i'm interested."

"so for an extra job during college, i would clean out office spaces with a couple of my friends. we would just vacuum, dust, and mop every night after everyone would leave."

he nods, and i continue. "well one night, i walked into a chiropractors office to vacuum the floors, and found the owner literally guzzling gallons upon gallons of barbecue sauce."

"what?" he laughs in disbelief.

"yes! i'm not even lying. he was sitting in the receptionist desk downing 12 bottles of sweet baby ray's."

"so what did you end up doing?"

"i simply turned off the lights and backed away," i shrug. "never cleaned that office ever again. i think i quit after that, honestly."

thomas' smile reaches his eyes as he looks at me for a moment, then spears a piece of broccoli with his fork.

in the end, he paid the check (even though i offered many, many times) and pushed in my chair for me.

"i had a lot of fun," i say as i slip my coat on. "up to do this again sometime?"

"call me whenever," he smiles. "i'll make sure to book you in for an appointment."

i laugh at the joke and he waits in the restaurant with me until my uber arrives.

he waves to me as he walks to his car, and i hope he sees my smile through the slightly tinted windows.

when i get home, i let out a happy sigh and slip off my shoes.

throughout my entire night time routine, i think of thomas and the amazing date. it was probably the best i've ever had.

i cannot wait to tell samantha about it when we get back to work.

thinking about work makes my mind flicker to ethan, and the records that are where i left them before my date— right next to the turntable.

i debate between the two albums before finally just putting the ABBA one on.

out of pure luck, when all is said and done plays through the machine, making me smile and think of the fortune cookie.

maybe this is it. this is the true love right before my eyes, and i discovered it tonight on a blind date, for crying out loud.

i try not to get too ahead of myself and finish up my nightly task before turning off the record player, and slipping into bed.

sleep finds me quickly, and i can almost swear i doze off with a smile plastered to my face.

when all is said and done | e.d.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat