epilogue pt. 5

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*decemeber 20*

blake first bumps me as soon as he comes in for homeroom. "congrats, big d."

i furrow my eyebrows. "what?"

and as i look closer at all the students, they're all staring at me like they know something i don't.

"you know..." he says. "on your engagement."

my eyes almost boggle out of my head as everyone nods, wearing huge grins.

"h-how did you guys— huh?" i ask, utterly confused.

"oh," mia blushes, looking sheepish. "we all follow harper's instagram. it's public."

i knew i should've told her to block them all.

i clear my throat, trying to produce some saliva to get the dryness away. "well um, thank you all. means a lot coming from you guys."

"uh oh," blake says and has that look on his face that shows he's about to start being obnoxious. "is teach tongue twisted?"

i roll my eyes in a joking manner and motion for him to sit down.

"did you hit it?" he leans in, whispering jokingly as if we've been friends for years.

"oh, blake," i sigh out, clapping my hand on his shoulder. "i would never hit my fiancée."

more laughter.

"okay, so it looks like everyone's here," i mumble, my eyes scanning the class room. "who's eating school lunch?"

most hands raise and plug it into the computer. "alright. easy peasy. what's something that you guys did last—"

"hey, ethan," the overly peppy ninth grade english teacher who interviewed me pops her head in the classroom.

i smile. "what's the occasion, ms. kingsley?"

"i'm subbing for your 7th hour, right?" she asks, squinting her eyes and pointing her finger at me.

i nod, wishing she didn't say that in front of everyone.

harper has a doctors appointment to check out the pregnancy, and i need to leave early to be there with her. she had it scheduled as soon as she found out.

"alright," she grins. "got it."

i avoid turning back to the class and their expectant looks.

"mr. dolan," lauren raises her hand. "where are you going?"

usually i tell them a lot about my life, and don't seem to mind when they ask questions. i just give my honest answer. last week a student asked me how he should text a girl. it was kind of unexpected, but it makes me feel good knowing that they trust me.

"just... have to get my oil changed," i laugh out nervously.

none of them buy it.

"maybe you should use your teacher salary to take some acting classes," blake calls out.

that makes me laugh. "forget about it. nothing concerning any of you genius individuals."

they groan, and i mock throw my head back and let out the same noise.

"that's what you all sound like," i say, picking up a rubix cube from my desk and spinning it. "wake up, it's an amazing friday."

"can we go home?"

i pretend to think about it. "can't stop you, that's for sure. i wouldn't recommend it."

the tables are arranged in a circle from our socratic seminar yesterday, and i was way too anxious about the proposal to even consider changing them back.

when all is said and done | e.d.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora