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"wanna play truth or dare?"

harper blinks at the question, as if i just spoke gibberish. "... truth or dare?"

"yeah," i shrug. "i would suggest ispy, but there's not much around." i motion out the windows to an earth covered in a white blanket of snow and ice. that's it.

she nods slowly. "o-okay. i haven't played this since high school, probably."

"truth or dare?"

"umm..." she thinks. "probably... dare."

i knew it. "i dare you to sing your go-to karaoke song."

"right now?" she shrieks.

i laugh. "yes, now. you have to do it. and besides— it's just me."

harper smiles and starts swiping on her phone. i'm pretty much expecting her to be predictable and choose an ABBA song, but i'm slightly surprised when the beginning to a destiny's child song starts to play.

she's laughing already within the first ten seconds of say my name, causing my face to light up in a grin as i watch her totally make a fool of herself.

her cheeks flush with color as she throws her head back in genuine laughter that fills my ears with a melodic sound. her hair is slightly messy from the wind outside, and i hold back an urge to pet some of the stray hairs down.

a month ago, i would've and it wouldn't have warranted much concern. but now, i can't do that anymore.

all because of a med student with party stories and good hair.

but i don't let the thoughts invade my mind too much, because for right now, she's in front of me singing her little heart out terribly and giggling as if she's drank a few too many.

she makes it to the end of the song and i clap as she gives a tiny, sitting bow.

"that was... brilliant. show-stopping, really," i hype her up sarcastically.

"thank you, but i believe it's your turn. truth or dare?"

"truth," i say upon instinct. i don't think i've chosen dare in twenty years. it makes me too nervous, and then i end up chickening out.

"ethan, what is your biggest nerve that i always seem to hit, and you've never told me? what is your pet peeve that i do?" she asks, leaning forward a little.

"can i be honest?"

"that's the whole point of truth, yes."

"sometimes when you chew gum, it's really loud and invades my train of thought. literally it sounds like a pig smacking on an apple or something—"

"okay," she cuts in. "i get it. i'll throw away all my gum."

i laugh. "hey, you asked me to be honest. truth or dare?"


"did you actually enjoy having sex with me?"

her eyes widen a little bit, and i stifle my laugh at her surprise. obviously it's kind of a joke, but i'm genuinely curious.

"i- i really can't be talking about this. thomas—"

"— isn't here. and besides, are we going to pretend like it was a piece of our friendship that didn't happen? i'm serious, i want to know."

she sighs, avoiding my eyes. i hear her mumble something, but i can't quite decipher what she said.

"what was that?" i ask.

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