Chapter 15: Catharsis

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We all survived the break-up scene, barely. Dad refused to even talk to me about what happened after he sent me out. I'm pissed, but also a little comforted that he is taking care of her and she is letting him.

The crew and Dakota are showing up at 9:00 for the highly anticipated music video day. As Foley talked us through what he and Dakota worked out, it truly is like a music video. The entire premise is that Taylor is going through the apartment and packing up anything that Max left behind. And she does some absolutely heinous (and hilarious) things, which Foley said Dakota mostly thought up on her own. It has to be shot in segments because it uses so many parts of the set. He figures that will take a solid 6 hours. Then he wants to shoot her singing the song start to finish, doing whatever comes naturally to her, just like she did before. Then he'll edit and mix it together. It's going to be stellar; I have no doubt.

Chad looks to both of us, "Opinion about the allowing people to watch? As you can imagine, they are excited. One of them even asked about closed-circuit TV as an option."

I look to Foley who subtly shakes his head. I agree, so I inform Chad. "No. Closed set. I want her free and unrestrained, and not worried about or performing for people around her. And that includes me."

Chad looks slightly uncomfortable as he says, "With all respect, sir, I think you should be there. You are just the person to inspire her in this case." Foley grins and nods his head.

He turns to Chad, "Please reassure the crew that we will give them a rough cut showing next week." He stands and slaps us both on the shoulders as he heads to the door, "See you gentlemen shortly."

Once he leaves, I turn and glare at Chad. He holds his hand up, "Don't give me that look and don't even try to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. She definitely wants to Forget You." He stands and heads to the door, "Time to take one for the team, boss. We've all been cried on, snotted on, and yelled at. It's your turn to face a mad Dakota."

He's out the door – leaving me speechless, but pops his head back in, "Word to the wise, this is not for the faint of heart. I suggest you bring a flask of whatever you've got stashed in your desk." And then he's gone again.

When I make it over to the set, bottle under my arm and three glasses in my hands, Dakota is being instructed by the prop master. He is showing her where he has placed various things she will need for her evil deeds, what's real and what's not, what works and what doesn't. She giggles and bounces on her toes, "This is going to be SO much fun." She turns to where me, Foley, and Chad are sitting and points both pointer fingers at Foley, "Let's do this! Taylor is ready to kick some Max ass! OUT WITH THE DOUCHE CANOES!" She bounces around and ties her t-shirt into a knot in the back, revealing her perfect apple ass, once again in tight leggings. She hollers again, "Chad, baby, get me a shot of something and let's get this show on the road."

Foley and I both look at him and say together, "No tequila."

He grunts as he pulls out a bottle of flavored vodka, "Not my first rodeo with this cowgirl, gentlemen." He pours a shot for her and knowing she will insist, one for himself and approaches her with both. "To douche canoes!" She laughs hard at that and they both take a shot. She hands him the glass and leans in to whisper something that makes him grin. It's probably best that I couldn't hear her say, "The douchiest of all canoes is in the room, so I'm ready!"

He comes back and plops down with a sigh. "She is extra sassy today. We're gonna need some popcorn."

Foley snorts, "Buckle up, boys, your balls will be shriveling up in a very short while." He stood and clapped his hands. "Ready on set! Cue music! Action!"

Dakota sashays into the shot holding an empty box, singing along with CeeLo Green. She plops the box down on the bathroom counter and looks around. The first thing she grabs is his toothbrush. She swished it in the toilet bowl, then spit on it, then smiled evilly as she dropped it in the box. Next was his mouthwash, which she opened, took a big swig, gargled and then spit it back into the bottle. With a big 'Ahhhhhhh' she tightened the cap and dropped it in the box.

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