Chapter 25: Devious

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I'm about to head to dinner with Chad and Dad, but I take a minute to call Scott. He picks up after the second ring, "Hey Boss!"

"Not your boss, but hey to you too. I was just calling to see how my girls are doing and to make sure you and Ted are surviving."

He sighs, "Thank God Ted came with them. I don't think I could handle these bobcats by myself. And Lord, these girls can put away some alcohol. I had to send Ted on a wine run while I'm out back manning the grill. I was planning to take them all out tonight, but with the mood they're in, Ted and I decided that was trouble waiting to happen, so grilling at home it is!"

"I owe you my thanks again, my friend. How's Madison holding up?"

The tone of his voice changes as he says, "She alternates between sad and mad, but there are surprisingly few tears. The sisters are doing their best to keep her distracted and laughing. They tried to get her to ride with them this afternoon, but she is really skittish around the horses. So I sent Ted with them and I took her up on a horse with me and gave her an easy ride around the property."

I smirk to myself, I just bet he did. Dakota's right. Smitten. "And the girls all got back safely? No blood? No bruises?"

He laughs at that, "I've got your back, man. When they went to the barn, I pointed out the horses I thought they should take – all very gentle. I picked out Bliss for Dakota. She wasn't having any bit of that. She turned and pointed to my biggest stallion, Riptide, and declared 'I want THAT one'."

I groan, "Of course she did."

"He's not dangerous, but he is spirited and requires a strong hand. I made her ride him around the paddock to ensure she could handle him. And much to her annoyance, I made her wear a riding helmet. Hang on, I'll send you a picture. Anyway, she argued until I put my foot down hard – reminding her she was on my horse, on my property, and had more than one man in her life who would cheerfully maim me if I let anything happen to her. 'Helmet or no horse' were my final words. She pouted, but she gave in."

I look at the picture of Dakota sitting tall on the largest damn horse I've ever seen. She looks right at home and is smiling big, looking cute as a bug with her braided pigtails and stylish black riding helmet. She looks ready for the show ring.

"Damn. My baby looks good on a horse."

He chuckled. "That she does. All three of them looked like something out of a cowboy's dream. And she had ole Rip eating out of her hand when they got back. He couldn't quit nuzzling her as she brushed him out. I swear that horse is a flirt. Anyway, they are all safe and sound. Did you want to talk to Dakota? She's inside in the kitchen, but I can grab her for you. I'm sure she'd like to talk to you."

"No, I'll call her later tonight. I don't want to intrude on her time with the girls." I clear my throat, "Did you two have a chance to talk business yet?"

"We did. This morning. And I'm in, Boss. All in."

I'm secretly relieved it went well because I know this is important to her and she can't do it without him. "Not your boss yet, man. I have right of first refusal, but I told her there are no guarantees."

He laughed out loud at that, "Sure thing, Boss. I'll tell her you will call her later. My best to your Pop and Chad." He hangs up before I can say anything else.


I swear that Grace can turn anything into a drinking game – even Monopoly, which me, her and Stella have been playing for over an hour now. We have one empty wine bottle between us and another half way shot. Scott and Madison were playing Scrabble on the patio earlier, sharing their own bottle of wine. Now they're down at the barn, theoretically feeding the horses. I snicker. Umm hmmmm. That boy can't take his eyes off of her and she doesn't seem to mind. My phone rings and I'm excited to see Jamie.

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