Little Ms. LiarPants

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Hello!! I hope that you're enjoying............ TAYLOR SWIFT!!!! *guy whispers in ear* What? *whispers more* Oh.... Can I start over? No? Okay..... Enjoy my STORY!!! There!! Was that correct, random guy from my imagination?!?!

*Five Months Later*


[Madison POV]

"WAKE UP!!!"

I fell off my bed and onto my face. I groaned and pushed myself onto my elbows.

"Why does my sleep have to be interrupted by life?" I asked dramatically. Grayy flew onto my shoulder.

"You know, you have like three minutes to get ready," he told me. My eyes widened in shock.

I rushed through my morning routine, put on my backpack, and let Grayy fly into my pocket. I raced down the stairs and tripped at the bottom.

"Are you okay?"

I looked up to see Brenna standing over me with a concerned look while Parker was laughing her butt off. I stood and dusted myself off.

"I'm good," I replied.

"Okay, time to get in the limo," she told us and we followed.


I found Alya and Marinette and raced to them.

"Girl, what took you so long?" Alya questioned me, arms crossed.

"I overslept and there was terrible traffic," I panted.

"She's so cool!"

"I know, right?!"

"Maybe we could meet Jagged Stone if we ask her?!"

"What's going on?" I asked.

"There's this new girl who is super cool!! She knows a bunch of celebrities, Jagged Stone wrote a song about her, and she's best friends with Ladybug!!" Alya exclaimed. I pressed my lips together.

That doesn't sound right! Alya is Marinette's best friend! Which means that Alya is Ladybug's best friend!

"Who is this 'she'?" I asked suspiciously.

"Her name is Lila Rossi," Alya told me. My eyes widened in shock.

Lila?! Lila is here?! What does that liar want?!

"You can't trust her, Alya!!" I told her.

"It's not like you've already met her," Alya said as she looked at her phone.

"Actually..." I trailed off. Alya and Marinette stared at me.

"You've met her?" Marinette asked. I nodded my head.

"She told my mother that she was my best friend to get into our house," I told them.

"WHAT?!?!" they exclaimed in shock. I nodded my head.

"She almost took my pendant and Parker's choker! These were the last things we got from our great-grandfather," I told them sadly. Alya and Marinette engulfed me in a hug.

"And I'm guessing that she's lying about being Ladybug's best friend," Alya said dejectedly. Me and Marinette nodded our heads. Alya did some stuff on her phone.

I looked up and my eyes widened. Lila was guiding Adrien by the hand.

Marinette growled. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry! I'll deal with Little Ms. LiarPants!" I growled and raced into the library. I saw Adrien sitting at a table alone. I hid behind a nearby bookshelf.

"Where is she?" I asked, looking around. Adrien took a book out of his bag, and Grayy gasped and left my pocket.

"Madison, Adrien's book! I need to get a closer look at it," Grayy told me.

"Why are you so concerned about his book? Hide, Grayy!" I told him. Grayy flew over to a bookcase right next to Adrien.

"Now we can get going on our history homework. It's so much more fun doing it together, don't you think?" Lila asked innocently.

She noticed Adrien's book and grabbed it from under the other book he was using to hide it.

"What's that?"

"Uh nothing! Just stories about superheroes," Adrien obviously lied. I rolled my eyes.

Lila is a professional liar! She could spot a lie a mile away!

Lila put her hand on top of Adrien's.

"I love superheroes!" she told him.

I growled from behind the bookcase. I bumped into a book cart, pushing it by accident.

Grayy watched Lila as she flipped through the book turning to the page on Ladybug.

"Ladybug!" Lila exclaimed. Adrien sighed.

"She's amazing," he said dreamily. I rolled my eyes.

"A girl doesn't need to wear a costume to be amazing, you know," Lila said as she scooted her seat closer to Adrien.

"Uh, I don't know—I mean, I—"

"So you've got a little soft spot for the bug, huh?" Lila asked innocently.

"Me? Oh, no! Not at all!" Adrien lied.


I moved the book cart closer to them, but it went unnoticed.

"You know, I actually happen to be very close friends with Ladybug," Lila lied. I bit my hand to stop me from screaming.

Adrien gasped.

"Really?!" he exclaimed.

"We can chat about it if you want. Not here though. Why don't we meet at the park after school and I'll tell you everything," Lila played him.

I accidentally slammed the cart into the wall, causing Adrien and Lila to stand up in surprise. I was hidden under their table.

Adrien got an alert from his phone.

"I gotta go! I've got a lesson in 58 seconds," he told Lila. She caused Adrien to drop his bag on the floor.

"So, the park?" she asked as she pushed the superhero book on the floor away from Adrien's bag with her foot.

"Uh sure!" Adrien agreed and ran out.

Lila picked up the book.

"A vixen superheroine? Hmm, interesting..." she said as she left the library.

"Madison!" Grayy hissed, flying back to me.

"I know. I gotta talk to Adrien before he meets up with Lila in the park. He needs to know that she's a liar and a total thief," I decided.

"No! You can't say anything to Adrien yet. I need a chance to check out the book first. If it's the one I think it is we have to get our hands on it!" Grayy told me. I looked at him quizzically.

"I don't get it? Exactly why would we need it?" I asked.

"I'll explain to you once I know for sure. Please, we mustn't let Lila out of our sight!" Grayy begged. I sighed and nodded.

Lila. Is. The. WORST!!!! HOW DARE YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR DENSE CINNAMON ROLL!!!! HE IS MARINETTE'S DENSE CINNAMON ROLL AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!! HA!!!! I think that I got it all out. LILA IS A GIANT LIAR!!! Okay..... Now I think I'm good.... Anyway, have a great day, my little kittens!!

-- Whatever--14

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