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Hello!! I hope that you're enjoying what I am giving you!! I hope y'all like Miley Cyrus!! 


[Madison/Moon Howler POV]

A meteor appeared in the sky, hurtling down toward the city.

"Code Red!" Ladybug exclaimed on top of a roof with me and Uni-Girl.

We followed Ladybug as she yo-yoed toward the meteor, but was surprised by a fox-dressed girl, who flew under the meteor and caught it before it hit the Louvre pyramid. She hurled it back into the sky, where it vanished. The fox flew on top of a roof and then addressed the Parisians below.

"I am Volpina, the only superhero Paris needs!" she yelled. Citizens chanted her name.

"Volpina?" Ladybug and Uni-Girl questioned. Chat Noir landed next to us.

"Looks like we have a new partner," he said.

"Don't you think it's weird, this superhero just appearing out of nowhere," Ladybug observed.

"Well, at least she got the job done. If she hadn't been here—"

"Hey!!!" Ladybug exclaimed.

"Hey! Relax! I'm just saying she seems seriously awesome," Chat Noir said with a sheepish grin.

Volpina landed in front of us.

"Hey guys! Glad you dropped in, I need a hand. Come on!" she commanded. I turned my back on her and crossed my arms.


"Fine by me," she said and flew off with Chat Noir and Uni-Girl following behind her.

"Aren't you going to follow them?" I asked Ladybug.

"I don't trust her!" Ladybug told me. "But we should probably make sure that she doesn't ruin anything."

Kinda like Lila.

Then it clicked.

"That's Lila!!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Ladybug looked at me quizzically.

"I kinda upset Lila because she was being a gigantic liar in front of a boy she likes," I explained sheepishly. Ladybug sighed.

"At least we now know that she's an akuma," she said brightly.

"Which means that Chat Noir and Uni-Girl are following an akuma's orders," I realized.

"Let's go!!" we shouted and ran towards them.


[Adrien/Chat Noir POV]

"Where did he go?" I questioned. Hawk Moth appeared on a different roof.

"I'll take him!" I continued to chase after the vanishing Hawk Moth.


Ladybug was calling me.

"Is Volpina with you, Chat Noir?" she asked.

"No! And I can't find Hawk Moth either," I told her.

"Forget it. He was never there in the first place," she told me.

"What do you mean? But we saw him," I reasoned.

"That's Volpina's power. She creates illusions. The Hawk Moth we saw wasn't real," Ladybug told me.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked her.

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