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FINALLY!!! THEY'RE GOING TO REVEAL TO EACH OTHER AND GET MARRIED AND HAVE TWO KIDS- Wait, no, three!! AND A DOG!! No, forget the dog-A CAT!! No, not a cat-A HAMSTER NAMED- *someone who has never seen Miraculous walks in* What are you talking about? I'M TALKING ABOUT MARINETTE AND ADRIEN'S FUTURE, OKAY?!?! LEAVE ME BE!!! *they slowly walk out the door* I gave Ladybug and Chat Noir a break so they won't hear my fangirling. Anyway, ENJOY!!


[Adrien/Chat Noir POV]

I paced in my room while Plagg was eating camembert.

"What's your problem? Don't you want to find out the identity of the love of your life?" Plagg asked me.

"Of course I do! It's just... What if she doesn't like me?" I sighed dejectedly and sat on my bed. Plagg flew over to me and sat on my lap.

"Look, kid! If she doesn't like you, then she's not worth it," Plagg told me. I smiled at him.

"Thanks, Plagg!"

"Yeah. Don't get used to it!" he said as he flew back to his camembert. I chuckled and looked at the time.

Eight o' clock.

I stood.

"It's time. Plagg, claw out!" I shouted, punching my fist.

"Nooooooo, my cheeeeese..."

I felt magic flow through my body as I closed my eyes.

I opened them and headed to the Rinkers' house. I met Ladybug along the way.

"Hey, Bugaboo!" I greeted with a wave.

"Hey, Kitty," she greeted back dejectedly. I looked at her quizzically as we jumped onto the Rinkers' roof.

"Now what?" I asked.

"You come through the window!!!"

We looked down to see Madison waving at us. We jumped through the window.

"How are you guys doing?" Parker asked. We shrugged.

"Okay! I got a plan!" Madison shouted as Grayy, Nooroo, and Penni flew towards us. "Chat Noir goes with Parker and reveals while me and Ladybug have a chitchat!"

"Okay!" I agreed with a thumbs-up. Parker and Penni led me into their room.


[Marinette/Ladybug POV]

I sat on Madison's bed sadly.

"He is going to love you, LB!" Madison exclaimed with a smile.

"How do you know that?" I asked her. She sat beside me and side-hugged me.

"One: I know who he is. Two: If he doesn't, he's missing out on a really great person," Madison told me. "Plus, I might knock him unconscious!" I giggled.

"You got my back, right?" I asked. Madison smiled gently at me.

"Always," she replied.

We hugged and separated. I took in a deep breath and let it out.

"I think I'm ready," I told her. She smiled brightly at me.

"I'll tell Parker," Madison told me and walked out of the room. She came back in a few seconds with Parker.

"Madison told me who you are," Parker told me. "We couldn't ask for a better Ladybug." I smiled at her and stood.

"Come on in, Cat Boy!" Madison shouted. Chat Noir walked in and we stood in front of each other.

"You ready?" he asked. I shook my head.

Madison side-hugged me and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back and took another deep breath.

"Okay! Hold hands and close your eyes until I say so," Madison ordered us. We did what we were told.

"Plagg, claws in."

"Tikki, spots off."


"Did you seriously take a picture of us?" I asked.

"Of course! Now... Open!" I opened my eyes and they widened in shock.

I was holding hands with Adrien Agreste!! My crush since he gave me his umbrella!! That means... ADRIEN IS CHAT NOIR!!!!

My bluebell eyes stared into his emerald green ones.


I glared at Madison who smirked at me.

"Told ya that he would love you!" she told me smugly. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.

I turned back to Adrien.

"So..." I trailed off.

"So..." he trailed off.

"You're Chat Noir..." I concluded.

"And you're Ladybug..." he concluded.

"Are you disappointed?" I asked, staring at the ground.

"Of course not!!" he exclaimed, lightly squeezing my hands. I looked into his eyes and saw that he meant it. "I couldn't ask for a better Ladybug. I even said that you are our everyday Ladybug!"

I smiled as my cheeks turned light red.

"Well, I couldn't ask for a better pun-loving partner," I told him. He chuckled and his smile widened.

"Who were you in love with though?" He asked dejectedly. My eyes widened as my cheeks got even redder.

"Uh... I was in love with... you," I told him with an awkward smile.

"Me?!" he questioned. I nodded.

"Ever since you gave me your umbrella," I explained. "Your act of kindness helped me realize who you were on the inside. And that you weren't like Chloe." He smiled at me, his eyes shining. He laughed and I looked at him quizzically.

"I just can't believe that I couldn't see that the girl I was in love with was sitting behind me in class all this time!" Adrien explained. My face turned redder than Nathaniel's hair.

"I can't believe that we loved each other all this time!!" I exclaimed.

Adrien pulled me closer and kissed me. I couldn't believe it! Adrien Agreste was kissing me!!! My crush from years ago was kissing me!! I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.


I knew that Madison took a picture, but I didn't care.

We separated and panted for breath. We smiled at each other. Then, we heard crying. We turned to see Madison crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"It's just that I shipped you two ever since you guys met!! And it's so beautiful to see it finally happen!!" Madison said, wiping her eyes as Parker patted her back. I giggled and turned back to Adrien.

"So... Are we... together?" I asked him. He smiled down at me.

"If you want to," he replied, leaning in. I smiled back.

"That's all I've ever wanted," I said, then kissed him. I heard Madison still crying, but I didn't care. All I cared about was Adrien. My Adrien. It felt good to finally say that!

*crying because of the beauty of Adrienette happening* BEAUITFUL!!!! have a great day, my little kittens!!

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