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Raph frowned down at his sister as he watched the memories flash through her mind like a horror movie. Though details on everything that happened during the camp was kept a secret from him and Ithlilen, Raph still knew enough to understand why seeing Ethan again would terrify Clara to the point she would faint.

Despite her constant begging to know what happened after Ethan had knocked her out, how she got from the ground unconscious to her mom's car safely. No one would tell her. It was like pulling teeth just to find out if Lena was actually safe.

Cady had finally broken down and told her that Lena's father did indeed make it in time to pick up his daughter safely. Though Clara pushed for more information, that was as far as she could get either one of them to crack.

Although she was petrified of him, being able to tell someone felt really good. Like there had been cement blocks resting on her chest that had finally been removed.

"Thanks for letting me..get that off chest."

Raph simply nodded and gave one of his famous side grins as comfort. The conversation between the two seemed to have ended at the perfect time. The door opened to reveal the rest of the family returning from their trip to obtain food.

A mixture of smells from the variety of different foods wafted through Clara's nose. As someone who often only ate maybe twice a day, the scent made her mouth water as it became clear just how hungry she was, and didn't even realize. Cady pulled the food from a plastic take-out bag.

"Okay! We've got a cheese steak for Ithlilen."

"Oh heck yeah! Cough up the goods, Madre!"

Ithlilen swooped in, grabbing his food quickly before plopping down in a chair in the corner.

Cady chuckled while rustling around in the bag.

"Next we have an Alfredo for Raph."

The silent boy nodded gratefully to Cady, taking the take-out container from her and joining Ithlilen in the corner.

"And lastly, a chicken wrap for Clara, right?" Cady smiled passing her the food.

"Yeah. Thank you."

Clara had never been the biggest fan of red meats. She doesn't know what it's like to crave a hamburger, or steak. Unlike her brother Ithlilen whose currently scarfing down his cheese steak like it's the first time he's eaten today.

Luckily for Clara, she was set to go home the next morning. Being able to get out of the hospital and back in her own bed felt amazing. She was even able to miss a few more days of school which meant a few more days of avoiding Ethan.

It, of course, wasn't long before her group of friends paid her a visit.

"Sis! I thought you died!" Shepherd exclaimed dramatically throwing his hands in front of him to make a point. "When you were sitting in that wheelchair, you looked so dead you might as well have been my hopes and dreams!"

Clara giggled for the first time in days. "Sorry, I didn't mean to...look dead."

"You're apology is accepted, I suppose."

"So, you figure out why you passed out in the first place?" Charlotte asked

"The doctor thinks it might have been from stress." The redheaded girl gently rubbed her arms uncomfortably.

"The heck? Stress can kill you?!" Shepherd gasped, "Well shoot...I'm dead."

"It's called emotional stress." Naomi chimed in, "So any emotion like fright, pain, anxiety, or even shock can make someone's blood pressure drop significantly. This is what causes people to faint. So Clara, you must have been experiencing one of those emotions...incredibly severely."

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