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Standing in the main office waiting for the phone to connect just so happened to be one of the most uncomfortable moments Clara endured that week...which is really saying something considering the sleepover with Naomi.

She fidgeted, rubbing the pads of her thumbs against the metal zipper of her hoodie. Finally the secretary placed the phone back on the receiver.

"Well Miss Clarabelle, your Mom didn't pick up..."

"Yeah um...that's kinda why she wrote the note and stuff....she knew she wouldn't be around when I needed to leave..."

The secretary's face twisted in confusion.

"Oh...I see. It says here you need to leave because of a family emergency?" She skimmed over the note once again. "Oh...wow. Stuck in a chimney, huh?"

Clara chuckled attempting to join in on the hilarity of it all. "Yeah. He...cleans chimneys. He got stuck in one late last night and...Uh....had to have surgery. My Moms are up in the city at the hospital. I had a test today so I had to come in...the surgery should be all done by the time I get there. That's why I have a note."

The fact the lie was forming perfectly was amazing even to Clara. The confusion on the secretary's face lessened before coming back even stronger than before.

"What about your brothers? Should I be expecting them to come in as well?"

"Oh no! No...not at all. They um...decided to stay the whole day at school and...ride the bus home." Lying. She didn't feel good about it but..in this situation it was working out quite nicely.

"Okay..well...I'm not supposed to do this..but, because I know you're a very nice girl, I'm gonna trust you and allow you to go."

Way to pack on the guilt. However, she couldn't go back now. With a simple nod, Clara walked out to her car. She felt the need to text her brothers to let them know she left and they would...once again have to ride the bus home.

💎Clara🎤: Hey, I left school. You guys are gonna have to ride the bus home. See you there.

🏒Ithlilen🏎: Again?

💎Clara🎤: Yeah, that okay?

🎸Raph🎮: Did you ask Momma or Mom?

💎Clara🎤: No, but it'll be okay. I'll see you both at home. Okay?

No response.

Clara shrugged indifferently figuring they were in class and couldn't respond anymore. Ithlilen might be a little upset just because of how much he hates riding on the bus. He can be mad all he wants Clara's decided. He can't hold anything against her for not telling Cady or Regina, she's lying for him...he'll lie for her. At least...he better.

Once the bus pulled up outside of the house, Clara turned towards the door when her brothers walked in.

"Hey guys, how was school?"

"If you were there you would know." Ithlilen growled coldly

"What? I was there. What's up your butt?"

"Oh, don't act like you don't know!"

"Raph? What's wrong with him?" Clara asked her silent brother, who only shrugged and walked away. This didn't make any sense. Even Raph was upset with her. "Can one of you guys just tell me what's wrong?"

"Look, I know this Ethan guy is freaking you out but, you gotta be at school. You do realize Momma would be beyond pissed if she knew how many times you just decided you didn't want to go to school. All because she isn't here to make you go."

"Don't you dare play that card with me, Ithlilen! Need I remind you about your demolition derby races. I think we can both agree Momma would also be beyond pissed if she knew about those." Clara challenged

Ithlilen stood with eyebrows furrowed together in a glare. He didn't want to admit it but...she had a really good argument.

"Fine. Whatever. Your secrets safe with me....but remember one thing, Clarabelle...you can't hide from him forever. What are you gonna do when Mom and Momma come back? They aren't gonna just let you stay home or go home midway through the day. You'll have to explain to them eventually..."

"Oh...actually, they've got some explaining to do first." Clara stated pointedly.

"What does that mean?"

Clara silently pulled out the photo Ethan gave her. "It seems we've been lied to..."

"Wait...this is Mom? When was this?" Ithlilen asked scrutinizing the picture further with narrowed eyes.

"High school. Their Jr year. 2017."

"Holy—really? Wow..Mom looks...different. She's so—"


"....Yeah. I guess. But what's this—"

Explaining the details Ethan shared with her earlier left Ithlilen with the same reaction Clara felt.

"But that's not all..." Clara continued. "When I got home...I searched through the box in their closet full of stuff from their high school years. I found Momma's mathletes jacket, Mom's expensive class ring...and this..." The girl then sat a yearbook in Ithlilen's arms.

"This is..." He skimmed through finding Regina, Cady, Gretchen, Karen, Damian, Janis, and several other familiar faces. He then flipped to the "Spring Fling" page. The page had many smaller pictures to remember the event, including one large one with everyone in it. "It says 'best Spring Fling Ever".

"Yes. But look. Do you know who that is?" She pointed to Regina.

"Holy shit...is that Mom? What's she wearing?"

"A spinal halo. She...was pushing in front of a bus..."

Ithlilen brought his eyes up to his sister in complete and utter shock. It sounded absolutely crazy. She had to be making this up.

"What? But who would—?"

"Momma. Momma pushed her in front of that bus!" Clara exclaimed tossing her arms in the air.

"That doesn't make any sense!" The brother protested.

"I know it doesn't! But the proof is right there, in the pictures, in the story....it's all true. They lied to us..."

"Momma pushed her in front of a bus just because they had some childish disagreement?! Mom may have been a...less than nice word...but to push her...in front of a bus?!" He than gasped, "It all makes sense now..."

"And what's that?"

"Think about it, Clara! Remember when we were little and learning about road safety? Mom would freak out whenever we even looked like we were thinking about going near the road. Like, most parents are like that, sure, but...Mom was...a little more overprotective then most."

Now that Ithlilen mentioned it...Clara does remember that. If they were playing in the front yard and a ball rolled into the road..even before any of the kids looked to notice...Regina was right there holding the children close to her like a Mama Bear protecting her cubs.

"We have to talk to them about this." Ithlilen declared. "I wanna know for sure..."

Agreeing to do so took some willpower. Clara was afraid that if she questioned Cady and Regina about their past.....the question of how she obtained the photo of them would definitely come up. How would she explain without it slipping out that Ethan was back. However, she needed to know if all of this was true. And they were going to answer them honestly... whether they wanted to or not.

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