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Though the next day of school came sooner than Clara wanted, she couldn't just skip the day like she's been able to do for a while now. She had her big History final that day and despite her attempt at studying, between Ithlilen's situation, her own fears, and the constant threat of Ethan...she didn't really get a lot of information through her skull.

So when her alarm sounded at 6:30 am, a part of her genuinely felt like it died. As usual Raph was the first one up and decided after the events of last night, his dear brother deserved to wake up to breakfast already made.

"Hey, what are you making?" Clara asked rubbing her eyes tiredly even though she had been awake for almost an hour at that point and was all showered and dressed.

Raph moved from his spot to reveal two plates of toast. Not the fancy breakfast of pancakes, waffles, or eggs and bacon they were all used to from Cady, but...more then what they have been getting since the absence of their parents.

Then, with an arm extended with the plate, Raph handed Clara an apple...just as Cady would do if she were there. The sister smiled wide at her brother. He remembered how she can't eat breakfast without getting sick.

"Thanks, man." She then glanced to the plates, "Also, you've saved me from having to clean the entire kitchen after Ithlilen attempts to make cereal...so thank you again!"

"Hey! I'm not THAT bad!" Ithlilen broke in from behind them suddenly. His hair was still disheveled, eyes still tired, and clothes still pajamas.

"Ah! It's awake!" Clara exclaimed playfully covering her eyes. "Raph, did you let the vampire out of his coffin?"

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. I came down a little early because—"

"Because it started to get stuffy in the cave you call a room?" Clara joked again

"No! And for your information, the bedroom is CLEAN! We just cleaned it!"

"And by 'we'...you really mean Raph?"

The brother stared at each other for a moment. Ithlilen sighed eventually finding it overly difficult to keep up his energy while every thing he's saying is being made into a joke.

"Yes. Whatever. I came down early because I wanted to talk to you, Clara. It's kinda important."

The serious look that was ever so rare on Ithlilen's face always made Clara admittedly a little nervous. She shifted herself in the seat and nodded silently urging him on.

"Okay...so...after last night, I've realized something..." Ithlilen took a spot at the table, his face contorted slightly as he looked to be trying to form the right words in his head. "I told you before I even started racing in those derbies that I REALLY wanted to do it....and even though they already know...and aren't approving of it...that doesn't mean that I want to stop."

"So...don't stop." Clara sighed, "If you love it...you should do it."

Ithlilen blinked a few times. He couldn't deny the fact he was expecting this conversation was going to be harder. "Thanks. That means a lot. The next race is actually the night you have planned for that party or whatever."

"Okay...I'll keep my phone next to me then...." The sister paused for a moment. "Look, I'm fine with it as long—"

"As long as I don't get hurt...I know." Ithlilen smirked gently, "Right back at you..."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm okay with this party...as long as you don't get hurt."

"Why would I get hurt? I'm not the one racing in a literal demolition derby."

"Maybe not...but parties can get out of control fast. Especially when there's going to be drugs and alcohol. Which...we all know there will be if your friend Kenny is organizing it."

"Since when did you become so worried about these kinds of things?"

Ithlilen chuckled, "Hey, just because I act obnoxious and...sometimes even oblivious to things...doesn't mean I'm not aware of the danger involved. It's just that...worrying how something can go wrong really drags you down. Sometimes it's important to care...but sometimes it's important to just have a good time."

Clara carried those words around with her all day in the back of her mind. 'Sometimes it's important to care...but sometimes it's important to just have a good time'. It seemed to perfectly explain her brother in one thought. Yet, it somehow works for more situations than Ithlilen may have realized when he said it.

Unfortunately, she had spent so much time caring WAY to much on things that she the actual important things she glossed over stupidly. Like his History test.

The classroom was silent. The only sound came from the ticking clock, and the occasional movement of paper creating a quick but obnoxious wave of sound as someone flipped or turned their packet over. Every time someone did so, Clara's spine crawled with annoyance over the fact she didn't know anything besides her name and the date on the test.

Naomi had actually been wrong for once. The test wasn't on the presidents this time. The sound of someone turning a page showed that everyone around her knew the content. They were one page closer to finishing, and leaving her stuck on page one. She was supposed to be the MVP in this class. SHE was supposed to know everything about History. That's why she here after all...this THIS AP History class.

Clara gritted her teeth when Naomi raised her hand to hand in her finished...and probably aced...test. It didn't help when she felt movement from right next to her.

"Hey...you look a little bit off...you good?" Ethan whispered, never taking his eyes off of his test as he didn't want to alert the teacher of him speaking during an exam.

"Like I'd tell you."

"Don't be like that. I'm just asking a simple question. Nothing to get miffed about..."

"How about YOU don't be like that. We're NOT friends. Stop pretending everything at camp didn't happen."

Ethan was silent for a moment, usually he had an evilness about him. Something in his eyes that hinted at something sinister. This time however, his eyes were wide with genuine concern.

"I know you don't like me, Clarabelle. But maybe if you'd actually listen to what I have to say...you might start to see the truth.."

"What truth could you possibly have to share with me. You tired to—you know what...I don't need to answer anything to you."

The bell rang suddenly causing Clara to immediately curse under her breath at her unfinished test.

"Well...considering you didn't even get to the first question on a history exam...I'd say you ARE a little bit off..." Ethan mumbled before standing and leaving the girl glaring at her final in disgust and embarrassment.

It became even worse when the teacher decided he needed a word with her.

"Clarabelle, I understand we all have off days but...this exam...you didn't even do it! You had an entire 45 minutes and you didn't even answer a single question!"

"I'm sorry, sir. My mind has just been...elsewhere....I'm working through some stuff..."

"I get that stuff happens in life, Clara. And if it's getting really bad...I'd be more than happy to help in anyway I can...but...you HAVE to tell me these things. I can't just guess. Not to mention...I couldn't help but notice how...'not here' you've been the last week."

"Again...I'm sorry. It's just been hard. I'll get back into the swing of things soon."

"I certainly hope so...because this is very concerning! Now, I'm going to give you one more shot at taking this exam. I have to have the grades in for this semester by Sunday. If you can come in tomorrow...I'll be here."

"Tomorrow? Tomorrow as in...Saturday?"

"Unfortunately, yes. Otherwise...you're going to have a big fat zero in for your final grade on this test....this will kill your currently perfect score in here. This is truly the only way..."

"Okay...I-I'll be here, sir."

Lions Pride: Mean Girls Next Generation Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora