Battles, Battles, and More Battles

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Victor tugged at his white challenger uniform as he walked on a long green rug down the hall.

"You guys ready?" He asked his three pokemon walking beside him.

"Rookidee." Twilight nodded.

"Raboot." Ace sighed with his paws in his pouch as if it was a sweater pocket.

"Ralts." Midori nodded confidently.

The four of them came upon a circular door with a leaf symbol on it, to which Victor grinned.

"I'll be counting on you guys!"

The door automatically opened as they got near, and the first thing Victor saw was a world of green. The room's dome was all green, the floor was covered in green grass, and many green trees were spread out and growing in the area.

But the trainer's eyes mainly caught sight of rolls of straw stacked on top of each other to make blockades. In addition to this, right at the starting area there were several Wooloo all happily rolling around with their bodies.

Victor carefully walked down the stairs with his pokemon hopping down with him, then walking over to a blonde man in a black and white referee uniform.

The man straightened his back and raised a hand proudly, "Hello Gym Challenger, and welcome to Turffield's Gym Challenge! The task for this challenge before you can reach the Gym Leader in the stadium is... this!"

He pointed his hand to the hay and the bunch of Wooloo.

"To chase our unruly Wooloo!"

Victor had a blank expression on his face.


The man continued, "You must lead these Wooloo to the blockades we've made from our toughest bales of straw!"

Victor saw the big arrow with 0/20 on it and a blue area on the floor with Wooloo drawings on it, everything in front of the straw blockades.

"Once you lead the Wooloo to the designated area, they'll take it upon themselves to clear the blockade for you!"

The man then put a hand on his chest.

"I serve here as the referee of the challenge and it's also my job to report the results to the League HQ! I should mention that once you start this challenge, you are only allowed to have one pokemon out at a time unless stated otherwise! Once you return two of your other pokemon, then we'll begin!"

"Eh? Pooey..." Victor grumbled. He turned back to his three pokemon, kneeling down to them. "Twilight and Ace both have advantages against grass-types, so I'll wait until facing Milo to bring you two out."

He returned both mentioned pokemon, leaving Midori behind and looking nervous.

"You're up, Midori!" Victor grinned.

The pokemon nodded in understanding.

The referee of the challenge raised his hand once more.

"Then let the Turffield Gym Challenge begin!!"

Victor and Midori bolted forward to the scattered flock of Wooloo.

"Come on, you Wooloo! Get over there!"

"Ralts! Ralts!" Midori joined him in shouted the flock to move.

Victor and Midori took opposite sides of the area, chasing Wooloo and making them roll along the ground towards the intended blue area. With each Wooloo placed onto the blue, the numbers on the arrow went up.

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