(3) "Don't Be Disrespectful"

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Two months later

Frankie arrived at the office at 715 on a Monday morning. It was now November which meant it was cold. She took off her dress coat and began to go over the day's iternritary.

She knew that she had to be at work an hour early that day. They had scheduled a conference call at 830 that morning. Because he had to meet with a potential business that was in Sydney.

When 8 'o'clock rolled around there was still no Bucky. He was still sleeping with a red head still in his bed. They met at his grandparents charity dinner the night before. She couldn't get enough of him that they fucked each other till the wee hours of the morning.

When it hit 8:15 Frankie called his cellphone.

*buzz buzz buzz*

*buzz buzz buzz*

"Mmm hello.." he said half asleep/hungover

"Mr Barnes this is Francesca. You do remember that you have a meeting in like 15 minutes." She said

He pulled his phone from his ear to see the time through his blurry vision. "Shit..Francesca tell them I had to deal with a emergency and I will be right there." He said and hung up.

The red head rolled over to face him. "Morning." She said

"You need to go. Last night was fun darlin but now I'm late for a meeting. When I get out of the shower I want you to be gone." He said as he got up and threw his phone on the nightstand

"So Vivian wasn't lying. You really do send them packing in the morning." She said as she got up.

"I am in no mood to argue." He said as he walked to the bathroom and slammed the door.

He quickly took a shower dressed and out the door. Bucky came down the hall tie hanging from his neck and shirt half tucked in.

"Coffee lots of it Ms Morris get going." He said

When he began to fix his tie she saw all the bite marks on his neck. She put the pieces together who ever he was with last night was the reason why he was late.

"Francesca now!" He said when she hadn't move

"I'm going damn." she said as she grabbed her coat and purse.

When she got back he was looking more like the big playboy CEO he is. She carefully sat his two coffees and his breakfast down. He popped the top of his coffee cup and took a drink.

He continued his meeting as she walked out. When she sat down at her desk she thought

"For someone who got laid last night he sure is in a grump mood this morning."

She replied to more emails and took messages for him. After two hours went by the meeting was over.

"Francesca!" He yelled

She came into his office. "I need these to go in the shredder. And he is going to be sending over a updated copy of the contract via fax. When he does that make copies for everyone for Sam and Steve to look over as well as Danvers-Rhodes. And get me more coffee." He said

She took the papers from his hand. Once she left he popped some Tylenol and washed it down with what was left of his second coffee. She shredded the papers got the new ones from the fax machine. She made the copies laid them on her desk and went to get his coffee.

She came back twenty minutes later with his coffee and the copies.

"About damn time." He said as she sat everything down.

She was trying so hard to bite her tongue. But his attitude was really starting to get on her nerves.

"Anything else Mr Barnes?" She said but it came out with a curt to it.

He looked up at her with a look that could cut glass.

"Don't you dare get an attitude." He said

"I'm not trying to give you attitude Mr Barnes. But your attitude today sucks. I showed up at 7 like you told me to do. So if you are pissed at me cause I cock blocked your morning romp well I'm sorry. But I did my part the least you could of done is have the decency to call someone and say I know it's last minute but that early meeting.." she said but she stopped when he stood up.

"Don't you dare tell me how to run my business! And me being in a mood today has nothing to do with the fact that I didn't have morning sex! I am hung over as fuck and fucking tired Francesca so don't you are be disrespectful I am your boss and you will not speak to me like that." He said in a raised tone.

She swallowed hard. "You aren't so mouthy now are you?" He said

She took a deep breathe. "I'm gonna take my lunch." She said and walked out.

She didn't realize that Steve was waiting outside the door when she left. When he walked in he shut the door.

Bucky looked up as he sat down.

"What the hell was that?" Steve said

Bucky buried his face in his hands as he shook his head. "I..Ive had a fucking rough morning." He said

"Buck..screaming at her isn't going to solve anything." Steve said

"Look Steve I was late like really fucking late. She had to call me because I was late." He said

"So that means you scream at her." Steve said

"No but she has this attitude where she has no filter sometimes. And it really fucking gets on my nerves. Like last week she got the wrong croissant and instead of telling me first. We got into it cause she didn't bother to call to ask if I wanted something different. Last month it was she got the dates mixed up for Tokyo trip and if I hadn't caught it the whole deal would have been screwed up. She swore I told her the dates on the tickets but I know that I told her actual dates." Bucky said

Steve smirked. "What Steve?" Bucky said

"I think you need to remember that she is 23 a college student who is currently working for a pompous playboy ass. Cut her some slack Buck she is juggling a lot." Steve said

Bucky looked down. "Anyways..you said Sydney came through in your email." Steve said

"Yes. Here is your copy. We will go over it in the morning with Sam. I gave him the day off since it's Addalynn's birthday he said he had some big surprise planned for her or some shit." He said as he hands him the copy.

"Thanks B." Steve said and walked out.

Bucky sat there in silence. He finally pulled out his phone.

"Where are you?"
"I told you I was taking my lunch. So I'm eating at Little Italy."

Bucky tucked his phone in his pocket and picked up his coat.

"Time to roll over like a damn dog. I hate you Steve." He said to himself.

Bucky found her picking at her pasta. She looked up when she heard someone sit down across from her.

"Come here to say that I'm fired?" She said

"No..I came here to say I'm sorry for snapping at you." He said

"Oh.." she said

"Francesca I'm not mad at you. I mean I am a little cause you were being a disrespectful. But I was in the wrong I should of been more responsible about being there on time. And I'm sorry I put you in the position to cover for my ass till I got there." Bucky said

"I won't be disrespectful again Mr Barnes. I will do my best to keep my opinions to myself." She said as she picked up her stuff.

Bucky followed her out but not missing the chance to check out her ass. The black skirt was just like all the others hugging her curves like it was painted on her.

The rest of the day went smoother and Bucky was less crabby. 

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