(6) Hot Chocolate

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"Can you meet me at CP at 2?"


"Central Park."

"Oh..I guess so."

Bucky locked his phone once he got a answer. It had been two weeks since their fight. And in the last two weeks she has been like a robot. He  was sitting at his penthouse staring out the window.

"Maybe I shouldn't of slept with her. This was the whole reason for the stupid rule. So I didn't mess up and have meaningless sex at work."

"Yeah dumbass. But she was amazing in bed." 


Bucky turned around to see his dad coming off the elevator.

"Dad?" He said

"Hey son. I just came by to check on you." James said

"Dad I am fine." He said as he walked toward the living room.

"This here James Buchanan doesn't scream fine." James said as he pointed to his beer bottle mess from the night before.

Bucky looked down.

"Son you may be an adult and live on your own. But you can still come to me if you are having a problem. I have always told you that..let's not do this again. I'm already losing your mother day by day I can't lose one of my kids too." James said

"Dad do you think that I'm a selfish self absorbed manwhore?" Bucky said

"What?" James said as he started to clean up his mess.

"I um..well. When I was in Rome I slept with my assistant. When we got back she got her feelings hurt. But it's not like she doesn't know how I am. We got into it and she told me that I was nothing but a egotistical selfish self absorbed manwhore who only thinks about himself. And for the last two weeks she has basically been like a robot." Bucky said

"That's what is bothering." James said

Bucky looked down.

"James I know deep down inside you are still the boy I raised you to be. And I know what Heidi did broke you son. But I also know that you have not only built your business but you have also built a imaginary wall around you as well. Granted it doesn't make me happy to see you go home with a different girl it certainly doesn't make either one of your grandmothers happy. And if your mom was in the right frame of mind she wouldn't be happy either. But I also know that it's your defense mechanism." James said

Bucky swallowed hard.

"James she would realize she was wrong if you just let her in. Let her see that it's all facade to help you from getting hurt again." James said as he hugged Bucky.

"Now help me clean your mess up." James said

"Yes sir." He whispered

Around 2PM Bucky was standing outside the park with two cups. A taxi pulled up when the door opened he saw a pink beanie then Frankie. When she walked over to him.

"Here I got you some hot chocolate." He said

"Thanks." She said as she popped the top of it and took a sip.

They began to walk. "Is there a reason why you wanted to walk in the cold?" She said

"I figured a public place would be better. That way you can't yell at me." He said

She rolled her eyes.

"Francesca I am sorry if I made you think differently that night. But was sleeping with me that bad?" He said

"Well I..no it's just you are my boss. And I don't need that on my conscience or people thinking that's how I got the job." She said

"Francesca nobody knows that we slept together. It's not like high school when guys joke around in the locker room. It's not like I came home and said oh man Steve and Sam I fucked the hell out of Francesca in Rome." He said

She looked down.

"Why are you really angry?" He said

"Sex means different when you are a girl. Unless you are one of those girls that doesn't care who she spreads her legs for. For most girls it's not meaningless for some it's a form of intimacy that's only suppose to be shared with the person you love."she said

"Sweetheart I know for a fact that you weren't no Virgin that night." He said

She sighed. "The first guy I ever slept with was when I was 15. We had been together since the 7th grade Logan Fitzgerald. It was special for both of us cause we lost ours together. But our relationship ended the following year cause he took a bad tackle on the football field and it paralyzed him. He broke up with me saying I deserved better and then he dropped out." She said

"Did you date anyone after that?" Bucky said

"No I mean I had a date to junior prom he was Logan's best friend and we slept together but then he blew me off the next morning." She said

"Nobody during your time here?" Bucky said

"Besides you no." She said

"I was the first person you slept with since your junior year of high school?" Bucky said

"I am not one that's always looking for a good time. My life consists of work and school." She said

"But Francesca.." he said but he stopped.

"What?" She said

"It's just you are in your twenties. You should be having fun." He said

"James I have worked since I was 16. I saved every penny nickel and dime. I pay my own tuition my books. Not to mention my rent my bills." She said

"Don't you have a room mate to help with the rent and bills?" He said

"I did but she moved out. She was getting married so I had to quit my job at the diner and work for you." She said

"Is that why you didn't go home for the holidays why you refused to take the days off." He said

"I don't go home. I stay here." She said

"But why? Don't you miss your family?" He said

"I just..my life there is something I don't want to go back to." She said as she stopped.

"Look Frankie I'm no expert on small towns but what could you possibly be hiding from down there. I mean leaving your family behind and never coming back." He said as he looked at her.

"A lot of things." She said in a low tone.

"Frankie..what you said to me..all those names." He said

"I'm sorry I was just upset I shouldn't of said those things to you especially cause you are my boss." She said

"Frankie like you I have things in my past. If you had met me 10 years ago I would be a different person." He said

"Um James I was 13 you perv." She said

"Regardless smart ass. Back then I was different." He said as they started to walk.

Once they got back to the entrance she was about to hail for a cab.

"Frankie.." he said as he got his keys out.

"Yeah." She said

"I'll take you home." He said

"I can take a cab.." she said

"No I will take you home." He said as he walked across the road.

She followed him to the car. He opened the passenger door for her. When they were both inside the Audi they took off. It was a quiet ride to Chelsea where she lived.

"Thanks for the ride." She said

"Thanks for meeting me Frankie." He said

She smiled at him then went inside. Bucky took off to head to Brooklyn.

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