(9) Meeting The Barnes

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Just two weeks later Bucky found Frankie in the walk in closet. "Frankie baby we have to be there in 45 minutes." He said

"I know. I just I'm nervous James. What if they don't like me? I'm just a small town girl living in the big city. And I swear if you start singing "Don't Stop Believing" I will smack you." She said

"So fiesty today. They are going to love you baby just as long as you keep your opinions to yourself. Your take no shit attitude is very irritating but at the same time it's also endearing." He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Thank you for the closet." She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'm just glad that I was able to convince you to get the hell out of that apartment. It's about time somebody take care of you baby." He said as he kissed her.

She giggled. "Let's go before we are late." He whispered he began to pull her out of her walk in closet.

They headed to where his grandparents on his dad's side live. As they were making their way through traffic.

"Were you this nervous meeting Logan's parents?" He said

"I was 13. And his mom was friends with my mom. We had known each other awhile then one day we were hiding from his older brother. He always picked on us for always being together. While we were hiding in the closet he kissed me on the lips and said that I was his girl now." She said

"Did you ever see him after the break up?" Bucky said

"Well yeah..it's just that it was his funeral." She said

"He died?" Bucky said

"Three months after the paralysis and our break up. He struggled according to his mom. So one day she came home from work to find him dead. He found his dad's off duty gun and shot himself." She said as her eyes glazed over.

Bucky squeezed her hand. "I'm sorry baby." He whispered

"The note he left said that he couldn't live with himself. All of his dreams were over and that this wasn't the life he wanted. He lost two of his favorites things football and me." She said

"But he didn't lose you. You said he ended it." Bucky said

"Yeah. Well in his mind I guess it was the other way around." She said

"Yeah." He said

After a thirty minute drive they pulled up to his grandparents house. Her eyes went wide when she seen the house.

"Sweet Christmas..that house is bigger then any house back home." She said

He smiled. She looked over at him "What?" She said

"Your southern drawl baby is hella sexy." He whispered in her ear as he got out of the car.

When they got up to the front door. "Remember what we talked about. No cussing no back talking. And please filter what you say." He said

"I got it." She said as he opened the door.

Bucky interlaced they fingers and dragged her behind him. He found his family in the kitchen chatting over glasses of wine and scotch.

"We are here." Bucky said

"There you are. Your daddy said that this dinner was strictly for family only. That you had someone you wanted us to meet and something to tell us." His grandmother Beatrice Barnes said

"Yes..this is my girlfriend Francesca Morris and yes she is pregnant. We are due in October." He said

The room fell silent. "Francesca that is my dad Dr James Barnes Jr. My grandparents Beatrice and Dr James Barnes Sr. My mom's parents Margaret and Richard Matthews. My sister Dr Rebecca Davidson and her husband Dr Xavier Davidson. My brother Dr Aiden Barnes and his wife Quinn their kids Haven Gabe and Paislee. My other brother Dr Cooper Barnes and his wife Olivia their kids Jameson Oliver and Ellery. And lastly my sister Dr Lindsey Barnes and her fiancée Dr Jasper Blake." He said

"Hi. It's very nice to meet you all." She said

"She is gorgeous James. It's about time you let someone pick up the pieces." Margaret said

Bucky smiled at his grandmother. "Let's eat and get to know the girl that is blessing this family with a great grand baby." James Sr said

Everyone went into the dining room. They all began to eat the food that Beatrice prepared. But it didn't take long for the questions to begin.

"Where did you meet?"

"How old are you?"

"Where are you from?"

"What do you do?"

That last one had everyone stunned. Bucky answered it so when she took a bite. She saw everyone staring at her.

"I take online classes. I don't know who my professors are and my advisor is a woman. I have a 3.5 GPA." She said once she swallowed her bite of food.

"She graduates with a psychology degree next month." Bucky said

"Okay. Well that's good news we don't need another Heidi incident." Beatrice said

"Speaking of we seen her the other day. She married one of her professors cause he got her pregnant. His now ex wife left him taking the kids with her." Margaret said

Bucky squeezed Frankie's hand to remind her to keep her mouth closed. Margaret continued her tangent.

"Can't say I blame the ex wife. I would do the same thing if I was in her shoes." Margaret said

"Marge." Beatrice said

"Bea you know it's the truth. That woman deserved better then a pervy husband preying on his students like that. It's a good thing our grandson got out when he did. No telling how many professors before that she slept with for grades. Am I right Francesca? Would you be like the ex wife and leave?" Margaret said

She looked to Bucky to see what she should do. Bucky swallowed hard then leaned in her ear.

"Keep it clean darlin." He whispered

"Well I think the ex wife had ever right to leave him just like James here left the harlot. Any girl that feels the need to sleep with her professor to get the grade needs to take a long hard look in the mirror." She said

"I like her James. She speaks her mind." Margaret said

Frankie let out a breathe. "According to James she does it a lot." James said

Bucky shook his head. "I'm teaching her how to filter." Bucky said

"Dessert." Beatrice said as the maid came in to clear plates.

"So when will we know what the newest addition is?" Richard said

"In June." Bucky said as he placed his hand on her bump.

"I bet your parents are over the moon." Beatrice said

Frankie looked at Bucky. "Grandma..her parents don't know. Francesca's parents aren't exactly the best people. Her dad hit her when she tried to get him help with his alcoholism and her mom kicked her out when she made the decision to give up her daughter for adoption at17. Francesca is amazing..strong resilient. She has worked since she was 16 saving every penny she's made to pay her way through college." Bucky said

"Damn." Aiden said

"Mom would love you so much more." Lindsey said

Frankie smiled. "Your mama was always a frugal person. She loved to shop when their sales even though she knew we had the money." James said

Bucky smiled as he looked down. By the end of the night Francesca and Margaret ended up hitting it off the most.

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