(5) A Screaming Match

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Just two days after they got back Frankie came in. She gave Bucky his coffee and breakfast then went back to her desk.

She opened up the newspaper to see how last night's events went off. The gala Bucky attended looked like a lot of fun. There was even pictures of him chatting it up with some blonde even dancing with her.

Frankie tried her best to hide the hurt. A few hours later that same blonde was coming down the hall.

"Hi I'm Harper Yontz I'm here to see James." Harper said

"Well at least she isn't rude like the others."

"Just a second." Frankie said

Frankie swallowed back the lump. "Mr Barnes. Ms Yontz is here to see you." She said into the receiver.

"Send her in and take your lunch Ms Morris. It's going to be an hour long lunch." He said

"Yes..sir." She said then hung up.

She pressed the button for Harper and she went inside. Frankie gathered up her stuff and left. The last place she wanted to be was sitting there banging another chick.

She texted Sasha.

"Hey I get an hour long lunch. You want to meet up for lunch?"

"Sorry Frankie..I'm in class. I promise we will get together soon."

Frankie went to a small Chinese restaurant that was a buffet. She loaded down her plate with all her favorites and huddled into a corner booth in the back. When it was finally time to return to the office she sat down at her desk.

Bucky started to walk out Harper just as she took her seat. She kept her gaze down when she saw the dishelved look of Harper's hair. When Harper was gone Bucky seen Frankie keeping her gaze away from him.

"Francesca? You are being awfully quiet today normally you like to talk back." He said as he fixed his tie.

She still wouldn't say anything. "Come in my office." He said

"I rather not I have stuff to do. You have a meeting in an hour that I have to set up the conference room for." She said as she got up.

"Francesca office now." He said as he followed her to the copy room.

"I said no." She said

Bucky took the papers out of her hand slammed them on the copy machine. He grabbed her hand and dragged her down the hall.
He slammed the door behind him.

"What the hell is your problem today?" He said

"Nothing. I was trying to do my job." She said

"No ever since we got back from Rome you have been quiet. And today you can't even look me in the eye." He said

She looked down. "I hate you and myself." She said

"You are mad cause we slept together." He said as he leaned against his desk.

She stayed quiet. "Francesca you knew my intentions from the start. You of all people know that I don't do relations.." he said but she cut him off.

"Doesn't change the fact that I feel stupid for letting you. Or the fact that I woke up alone naked in my bed." She said

"I hate sleepovers but I'm not complete heartless ass I don't want any one driving home drunk." He said

"That's not the point James. The point of the matter is it may not be like this for every girl you fuck around with. But there are some of us out there that over analyze shit and when a guy leaves before morning or doesn't call it makes us think we have done something wrong. Then we spend the next several days obsessing about it. I was fine using my vib but you couldn't help yourself could you. You are nothing but a god damn self absorbed asshole! All you seem to care about is how and when you are going to get the next pussy on your dick!" She said

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