(10) The Day Life Changed

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On October 5th at 4 in the morning. Frankie woke up with contractions. She quietly got up and began to pace in the living room. Bucky rolled over about ten minutes later to feel her gone.

Bucky came out to find her pacing. "Baby what's wrong?" He whispered

"I'm having contractions. They are ten minutes apart right now. But they are painful." She said as he got to her.

He kissed her forehead. "I'll make some coffee." He said

"Okay." she said

Once he made the coffee drank some. He stood behind her as he rubbed her back. "Baby do you want me to call Dr Hollis. They are now 8 minutes apart." He said

"Mmm ah..oh god." She said

Bucky called Dr Hollis she told him to wait till they were 5 minutes apart. Bucky began to pack the car for when they did leave. When the contractions hit 5 minutes apart they headed to the hospital.

Dr Hollis met them as soon as they got upstairs. When the nurse got Frankie all hooked up. Dr Hollis checked her cervix

"We are at 6 Frankie. And one little prick and..there I broke your water sac. So things should start happening." Dr Hollis said

"Thanks." Frankie said

Bucky sat down on the bed. "You okay baby?" He said as he caressed her cheek.

"Mmm yeah." She said as she had another contraction.

"Do you want something for the pain?" He said

"No. I had my daughter without pain meds." She said

"You had your first kid without pain meds?" He said

"Yes I did. I can do this James." She said

They both fell asleep till the sun started to come up. Bucky was finally able to call the family to let them know the baby was coming.

After sixteen hours of labor Frankie was finally able to start pushing. Dr Hollis came in and said "Let's have us a baby."

Once the nurse showed Bucky what to do. It was finally time for Frankie to bear down and push.

"Good Frankie. Push again.." Dr Hollis said

She pushed again as Bucky whispered "You are doing so good baby."

After three more pushes tiny cries were heard throughout the room. Bucky swallowed back the lump in his throat as he cut the cord. The nurse cleaned up the tiny baby and laid her own Frankie's chest.

"Hey baby girl. You are here." She whispered as she felt her root around.

Frankie and the nurse got their baby girl to latch. Bucky went out to the waiting room to let the family know she was here.

Two hours later..

The nurse brought their baby girl into their room. "Alright mama and daddy. 6lbs and 5oz of tiny cuteness." The nurse said as she picked her up and gave her to Bucky.

The moment that the nurse placed her in his arms. "Hi baby girl it's daddy." He whispered as tears welled in his eyes.

He began to play with her tiny fingers as she made little noises as she stared up at him. The nurse asked for her name.

Frankie smiled as she watched Bucky with their daughter. "Her name is Sienna James Barnes" Frankie said

"My little Sienna." Bucky whispered as he wiped tears.

When they were choosing names they decided to choose a name with Italian roots to it. Sienna was on the list and sounded perfect with James. When James walked in he smiled so big when he seen his son totally wrapped by his daughter.

"Everyone meet our daughter Sienna James Barnes." Frankie said

"Oh that is beautiful." Margaret said as she came over to Bucky.

They all took turns gushing over the new little one. A few days later Bucky took Frankie out on the balcony after she fed Sienna.

"Frankie I never thought that I would find love again. I was bound and determined to not let it happen. But you came along with your gorgeous good looks and sharp tongue. You make me want to be a better guy a better man and for that I am thankful you saved me. But seeing you give birth to our daughter made me fall even more in love with you. And one look at her and I realized that I can't imagine my life without either of you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you please marry me?" He said as he dropped to one knee and opened up a box.

"Yes." She whispered

He slid the ring on her finger when he stood up he kissed her. "Dr Francesca Morris-Barnes." He said

She giggled. "Just Barnes baby." She said

"I can't wait." He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

A week later..

"It appears that a lucky lady has swept one of NY's most eligible bachelors. CEO James Barnes of Barnes Inc has been taken off the market. Not only is he engaged but he is a proud father of a baby girl. They haven't set a wedding date yet."

Bucky smirked as he read The NY Times as he and Frankie are breakfast. "We made the paper baby." He said as he held it up.

Frankie looked up from making sure Sienna was latched. She smiled at him and shook her head.

"Well I'm sure you just broke all kinds of hearts." She said as she cocked an eye brow.

"And I'm happy baby. This right here with you two is right where I want to be." He said as he took a sip of his coffee.

He saw the time on his watch he got up he kissed Frankie and kissed Sienna's temple. "Bye my girls. Love you both daddy will be home later." He said as he grabbed his briefcase.

"We love you." She said as she finished her breakfast as Sienna ate from her breast.

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