(8) Hot Dogs and Talks

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Four weeks later..

It was a warm spring Saturday afternoon. Frankie pulled up at Central Park again to meet Bucky. When she walked over to him he was holding two hot dogs.

"Hey..here's yours." He said

She took her hot dog and they began to walk and eat. "Thank you." She said

They finished their hot dogs threw their trash away. They finally found a quiet place that didn't have many people around. They sat down on the benches.

"Frankie..remember how I said if we had met earlier." He said

"Yeah.." she said as she looked at him.

"Well..I was engaged once." He said

"What happened?" She said

"We had been together since we were 17. I proposed to Heidi right before our sophomore year.  We were so in love and I never thought anything bad could ever happen." He said

Bucky looked down. "Three months before our wedding after college graduation. My grandparents on my dad's side threw us a wedding shower. She texted me after my last class and said to go on without her that she needed to speak to two of her professors..." he said

"Okay.." she said

"She showed up two hours late..covered in bite marks that weren't from me. I know how much my grandmothers hate them so I make a point of not leaving them in eye sight. So I very calmly removed my grandmother's ring from her hand. I didn't need to know the details the evidence was there." He said

Frankie stayed quiet. "She followed me outside begging and pleading to forgive her. We began to argue in the parking lot about how she cheated on me. That she slept with not one but both professors to get her grades up. I was humiliated in front of my own family I didn't care about hers but mine was different. That was my family and she was wearing my grandmother's ring. When I got home to our apartment I threw her stuff in the hall and locked her out." He said

"Well..what a bitch. And you did the right thing. I personally would have just burned her clothes." she said

Bucky let out a small chuckle as tears fell. "You really don't have a filter do you. What are you going to do if our kid starts repeating the things you said." He said

"I would hope she would stand up for herself." She said

"Or he." He said

"Yeah." She said

"Have you told your family?" He said

"James I told you.." she said

"Explain it to me then. Why are you hiding from your family?" He said

"I'm not hiding. They know where I am. It's just..my dad is a alcoholic. My older sister Charlotte and older brother Dylan use to be his DD. The bar would call them and they would go get him. But then they left for college..they left and the responsibility fell to me. But I wasn't going to enable his pathetic ass. So after the third time the bar called me at work I didn't take him home I took him to a rehab center.  And he was not happy and he let me know that too when we got into a screaming fight. He smacked me hard across the face and I told him I would never be back in his house. So I stayed true to my word. Logan's bf that I slept with after junior prom I ended up getting pregnant my mom was super pissed at me for it. Even more pissed when I decided to give her up for adoption Jonah wanted no part of the pregnancy and I knew I wouldn't be able to give her the life that she deserved. So my mom kicked me out saying she didn't raise a quitter and you can't quit motherhood just because it didn't fit into your life plan. So I left and moved in with a friend till I graduated high school. So I rather not go see my family cause they didn't agree with how I chose to be." She said

Bucky looked down. "Your mom was wrong to do that." He said

"It just hurt she knew how much I dreamed of going to NYU. New York has always been a place I wanted to be not Shackle Island TN." She said

"Frankie..I want to go to your next appointment." He said

"It's on Friday at 1." She said

"Okay." He said with a smile

"So are your parents still together? Mine got divorced when I was little." She said

"They are still together. It's just um mom isn't able to live at home anymore." He said

"Is she in hospice?" Frankie said

"I wish..5 years ago she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. In the last 2 years it's gotten worse. I haven't been to see her in awhile." He said

"Why?" She said

"A few weeks ago she started to forget who I was. I'm the youngest of 5 kids. When I went to see her she had no idea who I was and kept saying my sister Lindsey was the baby not me." He said

"That comes with James. The doctor explained that to you and your family right? It's not an easy disease to live with. I remember when my grandpa died from it I was so crushed when he couldn't remember me cause he use to take me fishing those were my favorite things about summer." She said

"Yeah the doctor did. It just I was kinda hoping that it wouldn't be like this." He said

She reached over and squeezed his hand. "It's Just her mind James. In her heart she knows who you are it's just her mind that has her confused." she said

He smiled at her. "Yeah." He said

"I can show you something really awesome. Dr Hollis told me this was normal cause it's my second pregnancy. But look I'm already starting to show.." she said as she stood up and lifted her shirt.

He smiled at her as he ran his hand over her bump. She was now 12 weeks along. He pulled her closer to him and gently kissed her bump. She smiled down at him and he pulled her into his lap.

"I'm not gonna change the policy because you are about to be done with school. And I will have to find a new assistant." He said

"Just make sure she is ugly." She said

His mouth fell open. "Rude." He said

"I'm just saying.." she said

"Just saying what?" He said as he rested their foreheads together.

"I don't think daddy needs to be distracted." She said

"Mmm well mama should just stay then." He whispered as he kissed her lips gently.

They began to make out as their tongues entangled. He moaned as he broke the kiss.

"I do believe we need to go." He said

"Where?" She said

"My place it's closer." He said as she stood up and they headed back to the entrance.

When they got to his penthouse they began to kiss on the elevator. When they got to his floor he picked her up and carried her to his bedroom. They begin to undress and he laid her down on the bed.

"I've missed you. But tonight it's going to be nice and slow baby." He said as he pushed into her.

Thirty minutes later they were dripping sweat as they laid under the sheets.

"Wow.." she whispered out of breathe

"Fucking amazing." He said breathless

He rolled over to her and kissed her. "Stay.." he whispered as he caressed her cheek.

"I thought you.." she whispered

He smiled at her. "Maybe I'm changing my mind." He said

"I'm hungry." She said

"Well we can order out or I can make you something." He said

"Make me something." She said

"Steak chicken pork." He said

"Steak sounds good." She said

"Okay, well put some clothes on and I will get it started." He said as he got up.

They ate dinner together in his living room on the coffee table while they watched Sportscenter together.

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