We Were Both Young, When I First Saw You

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A/N: Before you go "What Jay, ANOTHER story?!" Let me explain. I finished writing this one completely before posting a single chapter meaning I just need an upload schedule! It'll update every Tuesday and Saturday, and there should be no reason for delay of a chapter. Also, some chapters are really short, while others are a bit long, so be aware of that! (Also I made the trigger warnings sound more extreme than they probably are)

This story is in Virgil's POV, and follows a story of every year of his and Logan's life from Kindergarten to their Freshmen year of college, and also includes their gap year. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story, and I'll see you guys later! Bye!

"Virgil come on! How bad can today go?" His father asked, looking at him from the car door on the opposite side of the car.

"Bad," Virgil responded, staying as far away from his father and backpack as he could get. The five year old seemed emotionless, but anybody who knew him well enough could tell he was terrified by the trembling of his hands. His father sighed, eyes pleading the five year old.

"Please Virgil?"

Virgil bit his lip, looking at the outstretched hand before resigning himself to his fate, crawling over and letting his dad help him out of the car.

"Thank you," his dad said, putting the giant backpack on Virgil before leading him with the rest of the families walking around the elementary school. Virgil only nodded, trying to keep away from all the screaming kids.

His father led him through the halls before bringing him to a wide open classroom covered in colors, sunlight, and much to Virgil's displeasure, fellow kindergartners.

He hugged his hoodie tighter to himself, wanting to hide as a lady walked over, looking at him with a beaming smile.

"Hello, who's this?"

"This is Virgil," his father introduced him, and Virgil waved at the lady. "He doesn't talk a lot."

"Virgil, huh?" The lady kneeled down in front of him, and it took everything in Virgil to not run. "That's a really nice name!"

"Thank you," he mumbled, looking at the floor.

"Why don't you put your backpack in a cubby? There should be one with your name on it," The lady said, pointing over to the boxes, which were half-way filled. Virgil nodded, letting go of his dad and starting to walk over to the area, waving at his dad.

After he put his stuff away, noting painfully that his father wasn't there anymore, he looked at all the kids in the room.

They were all loud. Playing and talking and having way too much energy. Virgil sighed, deciding to sit in the darkest corner of the room, away from all the happiness.

He pulled his knees up to his chest, pressing as far into the corner as his back could go. Virgil watched the other kids interact, and wondered what it was like to have a friend.

Did friends stay forever, or did they find other friends whenever they felt like it? Did they share snacks? Were they nice? Could they make you happy when you're sad, or comfort you when you're scared?

Virgil didn't know about friendship, and he thought he never would.

Boy did that change quickly.

Apparently, someone had noticed him, and decided to talk to him. That scared Virgil.

The boy had a black T-shirt with a tie printed on it, with shorts and giant glasses. He wasn't as pale as Virgil, but he was paler than most of the kids. His chocolate colored hair fell slightly into one of his eyes, of which were a dark blue that Virgil found really pretty. The boy's skin was clear of freckles, unlike Virgil's.

"Hewwo. I saw you sitting hewe by youwself, and wanted to know if you wouwd wike to cowor wif me?" The boy asked, and Virgil didn't take long to decipher what the kid had said. Virgil bit his lip, thinking.

Not only would this be his chance at friendship, but then other kids would be less likely to approach him since he wasn't alone. Plus, the kid didn't yell the question at him, and seemed pretty calm. This was the best shot he would get.

"... Yes please. Thank you," Virgil nodded, prepared to stand up when the kid plopped down next to him and placed a notebook in front of them, setting out crayons. Virgil watched in slight shock, because he sweared the boy wasn't holding this stuff earlier.

"Dwaw and cowor what you want."

Virgil nodded again, picking up a purple crayon and drawing random squiggly lines. He was more focused on the kid, as he talked quietly and non-stop to Virgil, which he found strangely comforting.

"Evewybody is vewy woud. They shouwdn't go to a wibewwy," he said, staring at whatever it was he was drawing. Virgil nodded in agreement, subconsciously shuffling closer to the kid. The kid looked at him, stopping his drawing, and Virgil did the same.

"You don't tawk a wot, do you?" He asked, looking curious. Virgil hesistantly shook his head, feeling a bit of shame as he hugged his hoodie closer.

The kid looked a bit guilty as he hugged Virgil, and Virgil slowly hugged back.

"That's okay!" The kid reassured, leaning back and looking at him with an emotion Virgil didn't know how to explain. It reminded him of how mother sometimes looked at father. "You don't need to tawk if you don't want to. Do what makes you feew good."

"... Thank you," Virgil said, louder than how he normally spoke, which startled him a bit. The kid just looked pleased as he hugged Virgil again.

"Youw wewcome!"

"Okay children!" The teacher said from the front of the room, clapping to get everyone's attention. "I know that the first day of school is very exciting, but everyone please be quiet while I do roll call. If I call you, raise your hand, alright?"

Virgil watched attentively, matching names to faces. He was going to have to deal with these savages and the boy for the entire year.


The boy next to him raised his hand, scaring him a bit when a couple gazes moved to the corner they were in.

Logan. Somehow, it was fitting.

It took a bit longer for Virgil to be called, jumping when he heard it. He raised a shaky hand in the air and shrunk into his hoodie at the stares of children. When the teacher moved her gaze back to the clipboard, Virgil was quick to clasp his hands together against his chest in an attempt to get the shaking to stop.

The kid- Logan, hugged Virgil again, and it actually calmed him down a lot. He relaxed into the boy, hugging him back while breathing in the smell of peanut butter and grape that Logan carried.

When the teacher was done, saying how they would start learning stuff next week and letting the room fall into chaos again, Logan let go of him, but held his hand.

"You'we scawed a wot, huh?" Again, he looked more curious than anything, and Virgil was beginning to understand that he wasn't judging Virgil, just getting to know him. Virgil nodded, deciding to try his hand at saying things he hadn't rehearsed to perfection.

"A-A lot of thi-things are sc-ary."

Logan nodded in understanding, holding Virgil's hand tighter.

"Then I'w pwotect you," Logan said dead serious, and Virgil surprisingly didn't flinch. "I'w pwotect you fwom the bad stuff. Considew youwself pwotected."

Virgil nodded, and hugged Logan.

"Thank you."

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