You'll Be The Prince And I'll Be The Princess

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A/N: One more chapter after this and this book is done ;^;. I'm actually so sad, my god.

"Who would've thought gap year would be so stressful," Logan huffed beside him, scrolling through his laptop. Virgil leaned on his arm, looking at the college Logan was now looking through.

"It'd probably be less stressful if, y'know, we didn't decide to go to the same college 'or die'," he said, air quoting the "or die" part. Logan stopped to glare at Virgil.

"I am going to the same college as you or dying, okay? Do not say 'or die' like that when I am completely serious. I wear a neck tie for god's sake," he said, gesturing widely to the tie. Virgil snorted before standing up.

"Imma order another coffee. Want anything?"

"Chai tea please," Logan said, clicking away on his laptop before looking up at Virgil with another glare. "And you already had coffee today, so you're not going to destroy your nerve system by ordering a second."

"Hot chocolate it is," Virgil sighed, ruffling Logan's hair slightly before walking up to the counter. The guy behind it smiled at him flirtatiously.

"Hello beautiful~! What may I offer you on this day that's as fine as yourself~?"

Virgil felt his face heat up, and tried to act casual.

"Um, a chai tea and hot chocolate please, both medium."

"Of course sweetheart~, I need a name and number though."

"N-Number?" Virgil asked, and cursed his stutter out internally. The boy smiled again, and leaned over the counter and into Virgil's personal space.

"Of course! Oh, where are my manners? I'm Remy, and may I just say, you pull off the color red real nice," he pointed at Virgil's face, and it heated up more. "So, if I can have your name, number, and maybe your time this Saturday for a date?"

"U-Uhm. Virgil, **********, and sure?" Virgil said really quick before realizing he agreed to going on a date with a stranger. A cute stranger, but still a stranger! Remy smiled at him as he wrote the name and number down.

"Cool! I'll text you the details later?" Virgil nodded before walking back to the table where Logan hadn't looked up once from the computer until Virgil sat down. He smiled at Virgil until frowning, probably noticing how red Virgil's face was.

"You alright Vivi?" He asked and Virgil just nodded in a slight daze before leaning on Logan.

A date.

"Are you sure? We can go back home if you don't feel well," Logan ran his hand through Virgil's hair, and he could hear the concern.

"I-I'm fine," he said, jumping when he heard his name get called. Virgil excused himself before getting up, feeling Logan's eyes watch him as he went to the counter to pick up the drinks. Remy handed them to him with a wink.

"I'll text you later, yeah?" Virgil felt himself blush more before he nodded, walking back to the table and placing down the drinks. He noticed how Logan seemed to be glancing between Remy and Virgil, biting his lip.

"Who's that?" Logan asked, and Virgil could feel the frustration as it left Logan's lips.

"He said his name's Remy," Virgil said, taking a sip of his hot chocolate, which seemed a bit sweeter than usual. "He asked for my number? And apparently I have a date Saturday?"

"You have a what-now?" Logan asked in shock, and Virgil shrugged giving him an equally shocked look.

"It all happened so fast. One second I'm ordering the drinks, the next I'm giving the guy my digits! I don't know what life is anymore, and now it's becoming the die instead of the college," Virgil said, watching Logan's face become the overprotective face again.

"I can talk to him if you don't want to go," Logan said, and Virgil felt surprise when he shook his head.

"Um, maybe I should give him a chance? Just one date to see how it goes? It's not like I can stay with him if we're going to college soon anyways," Virgil reasoned, drinking more of his beverage. Logan stared at him, thinking for a long while before nodding, looking back at the computer with a barely audible huff.

"Okay," he grumbled, and Virgil rose an eyebrow at him before realizing something, grabbing his phone suddenly.

EmoNightmare: Roman, dude, how does one go about preparing thyself for a date with a fellow male homosapien on the day of the Satur??

Proncey: let me spit out my tea for a second

UH, WHAT?!?!?!?!?! A DATE?!?!!?

EmoNightmare: Yeah??


"Well it was really nice to get to know you, Remy, but I really think this won't work as more than friends," Virgil said, trying to ignore the whispered "yes" from the booth behind him.

"Same honestly. Though can we please stay in touch? I think I'd really like to be friends with ya sis," he said from across the table, and Virgil nodded. Remy stood up. "Well, catch ya later babes!"

"Bye!" He waved, and he waited until Remy was out of sight before crossing his arms and sighing. "So, Logan, do I wanna know why you're here?"

He heard shuffling from the booth behind him, but he kept his eyes on the other side of his own booth.

"You knew?" Logan asked quietly, and Virgil only rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Well you weren't exactly being very stealthy about it," he snickered, feeling hands start to run through his hair.

"How long?"

"Since I told Remy how nice his sunglasses were and you whispered 'falsehood'."

"So the whole time?" Logan winced, still moving his hand through Virgil's hair as Virgil nodded.

"And again I ask, do I want to know?" Virgil inquired, moving so he was looking up at Logan. Logan shook his head.


"Back to browsing schools or dying then?"


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