I See The Lights

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T.W.: Mentions of abuse

"Can I go to Logan's house?" Virgil asked once his mother parked the car in their driveway, fidgeting with the tie she made him wear to court.

It was dark out, but Virgil didn't care as he unbuckled his seatbelt, watching his mother nod. He said his thanks before he got out of the car and started sprinting to Logan's house, tears pricking at his eyes.

This was nothing like when he ran to Logan's house on Christmas over a year ago. That was excited running, in order to get there faster, but making sure to take breaks when he got tired. This was him absolutely booking it to the Lucy household, not stopping and feeling the strong urge to run past Logan's house for the sake of getting away from everything.

He didn't listen to that urge, instead forcing himself to stop and walk to the front door, trying to not cry. He knocked loudly on the door, hoping someone was awake.

When Ms. Lucy opened the door, she looked confused on why Virgil was there so late in such formal clothes.

"Is Logan awake?" He asked, forcing himself to look at the ground so she didn't see the tears blurring his gaze.


"May I come inside and talk to him?"

"Of course. He's in his room," Ms. Lucy stepped to the side to let him in, and Virgil nodded in thanks, quickly walking to the living room and up the stairs.

He stopped and stared at the hall before going to the door at the very end, knocking on it lightly and still looking at the ground. Virgil watched it open in his field of vision.

"Virgil?" Logan asked, and Virgil barreled into him, hugging the life out of the taller one. Logan closed the door behind him before leading Virgil to the bed, where he let go of Logan and stared at the star print comforter.

They sat in silence for only a small amount of time before Logan shuffled closer, taking Virgil's hand in his.

"What happened? I haven't seen you in days," He said gently, and Virgil finally felt a tear roll down his cheek.

"P-Papa got arrested," Virgil said, his stutter breaking out a bit. Then, Logan was hugging him and the tears couldn't stop coming, small sobs wracking his body.

"What did he do?"

"He- He did awful things to Mama, and- and me. Awful things Logan," he whispered, hands shaking out of control.

"What did he do Virgil?" Logan asked scared, holding Virgil tighter. Virgil only shook harder, as memories he wished never happened came to him. The smell of alcohol and smoke, the screams of his mother as she begged his father to stop from where she was tied up and the sobbing coming from himself as a result of the pain, the feeling of blood running down his back and the fear as he heard his father readying his belt.

"Y-You don't wa-wanna know," he cried, pulling Logan closer and sobbing.

Virgil didn't know it, but it would take years for him to heal mentally from that night.

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