I'm Standing There

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The second grade boy was walking to Logan's house, something that happened often nowadays. Not only was it to hang out with him, but also because Virgil's parents started yelling at each other more. They always asked him to go to Logan's house when that happened, and who was he to not listen to them?

When he was halfway there, he saw Logan on the sidewalk, dragging a massive rolling suitcase behind him. Virgil rose his eyebrows, walking toward the other kid. Logan noticed him, and waved vigorously, still tugging the giant suitcase.

"Virgil, run away with me," Logan said when Virgil finally reached him, and Virgil tilted his head. Logan stopped pulling the suitcase, taking a much needed break to talk to him. "Mom refuses to give me jelly sandwiches without the peanut butter, and I'm running away to a place I can have all the jelly sandwiches I want! Come with me Virgil, and we can have jelly sandwiches together!"

"Why n-not?" Virgil shrugged taking the suitcase from Logan and gesturing for him to lead the way. Logan smiled, taking one of Virgil's hands and walking.

It took only thirty minutes for Logan's mom to find them and tell them to get in the car so they could have Logan's disgusting sandwich.

It was totally worth it.

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