It's A Love Story, Baby, Just Say Yes

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A/N: *sobs harshly* I- I'm not ready to be done yet! My babyyyy

Virgil groaned, banging his head on his desk repeatedly. He'd been doing this for an hour while thinking.

It was official. He could not stand just being Logan's friend for another minute! He's almost kissed Logan eleven times this week! IT WAS TUESDAY!

They were leaving for college Friday, and Virgil already had all his things packed. They had found a college offering what both of them wanted, they both got accepted, they both found jobs, and they were gonna move in together in the same dorm. They were, by all means, unstoppable.

Until, of course, whatever had been holding Virgil back before fucking snapped and if ANYBODY SAID ANYTHING ABOUT HOW GREAT OF FRIENDS THEY WERE ONE MORE FUCKING TIME, HE WAS RAGE QUITTING THIS LIFE AND JUMPING OFF A BRIDGE. He had to do something about this predicament.

The doorbell rang, but Virgil could do nothing but keep banging his head and hope his mother answered it.

He had to at least tell Logan about his feelings, but how? That guy could be really oblivious if he wanted to. Jesus Christ, why'd it have to be Logan?

Maybe he should just—

Hands stopped him from hitting his head again, as well as pulling him back, and he blinked at the overly done and concerned expression Logan was wearing.

"What are you doing?" He asked, pushing Virgil's bangs back. Luckily he hadn't been hitting his head hard enough to leave a bruise.

"Thinking," Virgil said, and Logan huffed, trailing both his hands down the sides of his neck lightly, making Virgil shiver.

"Well stop thinking. You're concerning Mrs. Storm enough to call me over." Virgil stuck his tongue out, and Logan smiled back, moving one hand so it was carding through his hair. "Wanna snuggle?"

"Hell yeah," Virgil said happily, and that was the end of it.


Virgil paced under the stars, starting to regret this decision very much.

It was Thursday night, and he was in the park, in a white dress that went to his knees with subtle eyeliner and waiting for Logan to show up. He was doing it tonight, he was confessing his feelings for this man that he's known all his life, one way or another.

And he was going to have a heart attack before said man could even arrive.

"Virgil?" Someone asked, and Virgil huffed, continuing his pacing while running a hand through his hair.

"One sec Lo, I'm thinking," he said quietly.

Virgil continued to pace for all of three seconds before realizing what happened with a jolt. He whirled around to see Logan looking at him with concern and a red face.

"LOgan!" He said in a high pitched and panicky voice, clasping his hands together against his chest. "hI. I mean uh, hello. YES! Hello dear Logan."

"Are you okay?" Logan asked, and stepped closer, and Virgil admired all the stars reflecting in his eyes with a blush.

"yEAH! Totally. I am a-okay! NEVER BEEN BETTER!" He shouted moving his arms between trying to put his hands in his jacket which he wasn't wearing, crossing his arms which he decided looked too angry, and just clasping them against his chest again. He felt his anxiety go past the point where if he opened his mouth again, his stutter would come out. Great.

"Are you sure?" Logan asked again, grabbing the sides of his face gently and lifting it to look deep in his eyes since he was a bit taller. Virgil was pretty sure his face was more red than it's been in years at the action, and he bit his lip, nodding.

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