Little Did I Know

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"Now you may be wondering why I summoned you here today Virgil," Logan said, sitting criss cross on his bed, Virgil sitting across from him, also criss cross. Virgil nodded, raising an eyebrow.

"As you know, Cady Thompson has asked me on a date recently."

Virgil nodded again, feeling a small pit of... Something, boiling in his stomach. Oh well. It was probably nothing.

"And as Roman and Remus have informed me, kids our age like to go really fast in relationships, therefore, I have a concern," the thirteen year old said, straightening his tie. Virgil tilted head. This must've really been getting to Logan. "This concern, is what if Cady Thompson wants to... Wants to kiss me?"

Virgil blinked at him, trying not to laugh at how Logan said that as if it were to be feared.

"Uh, what about it?"

"What if I'm not good at kissing? I've never kissed anyone before," Logan said as if they were bringing up global warming. "I don't like Cady that much, but I want to at least be a good kisser in case she wants to go that fast. She's one of the only kids I can tolerate."

And Virgil frowned, because Logan's never really cared for nor acknowledged Cady Thompson at all. Heck, he only ever gets concerned when it comes to Virgil, and was only starting to act that way for Roman and Remus. What made Cady Thompson so special all of a sudden? Was it because she was a girl? He's seen the movies, where a boy promises he'd never leave or betray his best friend, but the best friend immediately is dropped when a girl comes into the picture. Was he gonna become the best friend? He didn't want Logan to leave him!

"-irgil? Virgil!"

"Huh?" He intelligently asked, looking at his friend's worried expression. He must've zoned out.

"You disappeared on me for a bit there, Buddy," Logan explained, still looking really worried. "Anyway, I asked, what should I do to prepare myself in case she wants to kiss?"

Virgil hummed, deep in thought.

"Well, chapstick and breath mint is probably a good start. Girls probably prefer that kind of thing. Hmm... I'd say you'd have to practice kissing if you want to make sure you're not a bad kisser."

"Practice kissing?" Logan said in slight sarcasm. "Virgil, I love you, but I'm not gonna kiss random inanimate objects to practice."

"Maybe practice on a person?" Virgil questioned, wondering himself how liable this stuff was. Logan tilted his head.

"Okay, that actually sounds pretty legitimate. I'm not practicing on the twins though. Who knows where they put those blabbers," Logan said, shuddering at the thought. Virgil giggled a bit at the reaction, bringing his hand up to his face when he snorted a bit.

"Okay. Who would you want to practice on?" Virgil asked, watching Logan genuinely think about it before looking at Virgil with a slight blush.

"Uh... You." Virgil wasn't exactly shocked, seeing as Logan only had three friends and already denied two of them. The statistics also showed he'd be the best candidate because Logan had known him for years, therefore trusting him more as well.

"Okay," Virgil shrugged, watching Logan's expression turn to one of surprise.


"If it helps bring you happiness, what's the harm?" He reasoned before tilting his head. "How do you want to do this?"

Logan sat there thinking for a bit, before looking sightly confused.

"I'd imagine just... Kissing each other? To start off with? Maybe once we get that down, we'll think about how Cady would kiss me."

It sounded logical, so Virgil nodded, watching Logan scoot closer to him.

"Last chance, want to back out?" Logan said in a teasing voice, but Virgil knew it was an actual question. He shook his head, watching in curiosity as Logan swallowed gently. "Okay..."

Then, what seemed too slow but also too fast, they were kissing. Virgil could feel the heat radiating off of Logan's face, and he felt his eyes close of their own will. And, for the first time, but most certainly not the last, Virgil felt butterflies in his stomach.

Virgil had to resist the urge to follow Logan when he pulled away, opening his eyes not long before Logan, and there was a smile on his face.

"I'd say you did pretty well," Virgil murmured, ignoring his instincts to pull Logan into another kiss. His heart was thumping pleasantly in his chest, and it only went faster when Logan smiled proudly.

"Want to do it again?" Logan asked before his eyes widened. "I-I mean like, for practice."

Virgil ignored the hurt feeling in his chest as he nodded, the hurt feelings easily going away when Logan closed the gap between them again.

Only later that night, when Virgil laid in his bed thinking about how Logan's lips felt against his fondly, did he realize something with a jolt.

At some point, along the way, Virgil... fell in love with his best friend.

Oh. Oh no. That could only end so well.


When Virgil visited Logan after his date with Cady Thompson, Logan seemed peacefully happy.

Virgil tilted his head, silently asking how it went as they sat in Logan's room again. Logan smiled.

"We stopped dating."

Virgil just stared at Logan before breaking out into laughter, confusing Logan.

"You're the only one that'd- that'd be happy about that," he explained through his laughter, wiping a stray tear. He missed the way Logan looked at him softly, too busy trying to calm down.

"Can I be honest for a second?" Logan asked, and Virgil nodded, finally calming down. "We really should've considered the fact that she would be a terrible kisser."

And that set Virgil off again as he laughed louder than before, falling onto his back and gripping his abdomen.

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