I'll Be Waiting, All There's Left to do is Run

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"Virgil, come on! How bad can today go?" His mother asked through his bedroom door, and Virgil felt a sense of déjà vu. He couldn't quite place it though.

"Bad," Virgil responded as he stared himself in the mirror, hands trembling. He wore a long, dark blue dress with eyeliner and mascara. He loved how he looked, don't get him wrong! And he knew half of the other males attending were going to wear dresses as well, and half the females would wear tuxes, but that wasn't the problem here. His problem wasn't even that he was going to prom!

No, his problem, was that he was going with Logan. Not only that, but Logan would see him in this dress, which was really nerve wracking. The most upsetting part though, was that they were going as friends. Sure, Logan didn't like him like that and Virgil was fine with that, but it still stung when Logan specified they could- were, going as friends.

"C'mon Virgil, look on the bright side! You're going with Logan!"

Oh, thanks mama, that totally helps, he thought sourly as he refused verbally. He was starting to regret not telling his mother how he felt about Logan.

Then the doorbell rang, and Virgil felt like fainting. He heard his mother sigh, going to answer the door.

Virgil paced in his room, thanking god he chose to wear flats instead of heels. So many things can go wrong, which scenario should he think about first while he spiraled?

"Virgil, please," his mother begged on the other side of the door again, and Virgil stopped his pacing to listen. "Logan's here, and I really don't want to drag him up here so he can try and convince you. Please just come out. You won't regret tonight a bit, I guarantee you!"

"... One second," he replied, sending his mother back downstairs while he tried to calm himself down some. When he realized he was as calm as he was going to get, he unlocked the door and started to come downstairs himself.

As he descended the stairs, he saw his mother and Logan break out of conversation to look at him. Logan had a tuxedo with purple detailing and a purple tie, with a small blue flower sticking out of his pocket.

When he reached the bottom, he smiled shakily at them, focusing on his mother as she spoke to him.

"Oh my sweet baby boy! You look so gorgeous honey!"

"Thanks mama," he giggled slightly, moving some hair behind his ear. He looked to Logan, and he was staring at Virgil with a red face. "Logan?"

Logan didn't respond and Virgil tried a couple more times before inhaling deeply.

"LOGAN LEE LUCY!" He shouted, and Logan snapped out of it, blinking down at him and processing what just happened as he became more red.

"Ah yes, salutations Virgil," he said in a high pitched voice, and Virgil laughed.

"Come on ya dork, or we'll be late," he said, grabbing Logan's wrist and letting his mom take a couple thousand photos before they left, getting in Logan's car.

"Oh-uh- here," Logan said before they pulled away, giving Virgil a bracelet covered in purple flowers.

"Thanks Lo," he said, putting it on before realizing he hadn't felt anxious since he went downstairs. He smiled. Should've figured his mama was right.

"So- uh- you look v-very nice," Logan stuttered, gripping the steering wheel as they left, and Virgil quickly snapped a picture of Logan without him noticing because it was adorable how he seemed to be falling over his words while looking like a tomato.

"You look great too," he giggled, watching the blush spread to Logan's ears. Oh, this was just too cute.

"ThANks," he squeaked, and Virgil felt like exploding because he hasn't seen Logan act like this since eighth grade when Roman taught Virgil how to put on makeup after the first time, because Virgil really liked how he looked. He preferred to not cover his freckles though, despite how much he hated them.

"You okay?"

"I'VE NEVER BEEN BETTER! WHO SAID SOMETHING WAS WRONG HAHA NOTHING'S WRONG!" Logan shouted, grip tightening on the wheel. Virgil would never admit it, but he really liked whatever was happening right now.

"If you say so," Virgil shrugged and looked out of the windshield, moving his hand to rest in Logan's lap like it always did. Virgil heard him make a strangled noise, and glanced at him before shrugging again, looking ahead.

Logan was an enigma.

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