On A Balcony In Summer Air

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"Virgil, slow down!" His mother laughed, being tugged along by the eight year old through the mall. "I know you want to get to the book store, but it's not gonna go anywhere!"

"B-But what if al-all the good book-s are g-gone?" He asked, making his way through the crowds doing their Christmas shopping. His mother laughed again.

"Honey, whatever you get Logan, he'll love it," she huffed, finally being pulled into the mostly empty book store. Virgil just gave her a "maybe so, but it shall be the best gift he's ever received in his life" look. Essentially, he stuck his tongue out.

It took about twenty minutes before Virgil found the best book in the entire shop (at least by Logan standard, and he had the greatest standard). Virgil smiled widely, picking up the medium sized book about stars and showing it to his mother. His mother looked at it and nodded, taking the book and walking him to the counter.

"Will this be all, ma'am?" The cashier said, ringing up the book. His mother nodded again.

"I believe so, yes."

"Would you like it wrapped?"

"Virgil?" His mother looked down at him.

"Yes please." The cashier raised an eyebrow at him before turning the questioning gaze to his mother.

"It's for his friend," she explained, not noticing the trembling of his hands. Only one person really noticed when they did that.

The cashier nodded before looking at Virgil.

"What color of wrapping paper?"

"Blue please," Virgil said, putting his hands in his hoodie pocket. He really wished Logan was there as he watched them wrap the book in a small box, but at the same time was happy Logan was out of town so he could do this. Logan deserved the best book ever.

"Aaaand done," the cashier handed the box to him with a smile, which eased Virgil's nerves a bit.

"Thank you," Virgil nodded in thanks, watching his mother pay before they left the mall.


"Bye Mama, bye Papa!" Virgil said, grabbing the blue box before he ran to the front door.

"Virgil, you haven't eaten or opened your presents yet!" His father laughed, watching Virgil struggle to put on his winter coat and boots.

It was officially Christmas morning, only a couple days after Virgil's ninth birthday. The fire was going, it was snowing, and he could smell his mother making pancakes and see all the presents under the Christmas tree. Virgil really didn't care about that stuff though.

"I g-gotta give Logan his gi-gift!" He stuttered, finally managing to put his boots on and zip up his coat. "Love you!"

"Virgil, don't forget--" but his mother cut herself off once the door shut loudly. She sighed. "Your cap, scarf, and gloves..."

Virgil struggled to make his way off the porch through the seven inches of snow, and much more to come with how much was falling right now. He already felt the cold biting at his ears and fingers, but he couldn't really care as he finally got off the porch and ran to Logan's house a mile away, almost slipping and tripping many times.

He sighed in relief when he finally got there, going up to the front door and ringing the doorbell.

He stood there for what could've been a month before the door finally opened to Logan's mom, her expression shocked as she looked at him.

"Dear Jesus Virgil! Did you walk here?" She asked, looking over his shaking form that was covered in snow from head to toe. Virgil only smiled, bringing her attention to the lips that had a slight blue hue.

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