Chapter VII: The end of a life, A New Start

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*Real World - Tokyo* Trunks POV

After Goku-san yelled at the 'Navigator', we were suddendly transported again in the same light that brought us to that place, we knew Freezer wouldn't mind blowing up the world if he wanted, but instead his leaving a horrible massacre, maybe because The Shadow ordered him to do so.

After a couple of seconds, we've arrived to the same city in that hologram, just seeing this, it feels awful.

"Navigator, where's Freezer!?" I understand now the change of behaviour of Goku-san, by the words of my mom, he always felt disgust towards people that massacres for fun.

"Freezer it's about four streets from our location, Son Goku" The Navigator said in response, I sensed his ki, he isn't too far, but I also feel other presences around, sinister ki s. But I sense especially two, against one low ki, is a civilian fighting back?

"Trunks, take care of the sinister presences, I'll take care of Freezer" said Goku-san as he transformed into the Super Saiyan state and rushed in.

"Hai" I replied in understandment, I knew I wasn't a challenge against Freezer, so I'll help the civilians.

"Venoms incoming, Venoms incoming"

"Huh?" I was about to ask, but before I've moved a muscle, I received a strong drop kick in my head that made me crash in a building nearby. "Gahh"

I recovered to see two figures, the one that attacked me was a man in black aura, dark grey skin, pale silver hair and bloody red glowing eyes, apart of one of Freezer's armada suits. The second that appeared right after I've recovered is a woman of long sponged curly hair, same features, but with a dressing that reminded me of Luffy.

*He he he* both giggled maliciously and later took a combat guard, I did as well, prepared of anything they threw me.

'So this are venom, they look human, but their ki feels like The shadow, disperse' I thought in realization of the Navigator's sentence.

Out of the sudden, we clashed in a fight.

Goku's POV

Freezer, whatever your planning doesn't seem logic. I know you long enough to say you wouldn't let yourselve be fooled that easily, what is your plan?

After flying for a minute, I saw Freezer standing at the top of a building, looking downwards, I turned to the source of his attention to see something impressive.

It was a young man, brown hair, yellow eyes and slim body, he was dressed in blue leggings, with two grey silver boots, a red unbuttoned T-shirt with a black shirt below, he was fighting against two weird guys with dark auras, just like that guy. I was shocked when I realised his fighting style... It was the Turtle Hermit Style, combined with some other martial arts I've recognised as Karate, Tai jutsu and even, Tai chi?!, for being a kid of a very low ki, he sure knows how to give a fight, the others have seen him difficult to defeat, I must greet that child for his skill, but not now, I have to stop Freezer.

I landed just three meters behind him.

"Ohh, if it isn't the monkey that keeps disgusting me in my mind" He said in clear poison, I didn't even care.

"Freezer, I don't know what are you planning to do with that guy, but--" I transformed as I yell him "I WON'T LET YOU TAKE ANYMORE LIVES DID YOU UNDERSTAND!" I was so angry I literaly wanted to beat him into a plump.

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