William Vangeance x Reader

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[Y/N]-Your name
[H/C]-Hair Color
I don't own anything but the plot.

Her unique perspective on life is what everyone adored about the young [H/C]ette. She always saw past the person's faults and saw who they truly were within.

For the Silva family, it was that even though they treated each other, especially Noelle, like trash most of the time they still cared for one another. The disrespect was their way of showing love.

For the Hage Boys, as she had nicknamed Asta and Yuno, it was that despite their rivalry they looked up to one another and pushed each other to do better.

William had always admired that side of her. That's why he fall in love with her to begin with, but could she love him even with his scar?

The male sighed as he unconsciously lifted his hand to his mask. The same mask that the Wizard King, Julius Novachrono, had given him when he was 13.

"Hey." A cheerful voice spoke as a gentle hand was placed on William's shoulder. The male flinched slightly, but soon calmed down knowing that it was just his vice-captain. The girl laughed at her superior as she sat down across from him at the table.

They were celebrating their win against the elves with a big party. After all it had been a long and hard battle. Even Patry was there despite the most of the humans hating him. Thankfully Asta was there to somewhat protect him as he had already forgiven the elfin boy.

"You look lonely. Why don't you come dance with us?" [Y/N] said with a smile. William shook his head. "I'll pass. Thank you though." He said sweetly. The girl shrugged before wondering off to the dance floor.

The Golden Dawn Captain smiled as he watched her dance like she was the only one in the room and to some degree she was. The other girls were too shy and the boys were too worried about their pride to join in.

That was until one song came on that sent [Y/N] running around the room gathering girls and even a few boys. One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful."

The girl smiled as the girls she had pulled onto the floor gained confidence from the song and began dancing with her.

Noelle and Mimosa were quick to catch on and soon were following the song. Flipping their hair in sync with the lyric, "The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed."

The boys that were dragged to the floor backed out. The only ones that didn't were Rill, Asta, and Patry, but they were just having having fun.

As the song ended the group, which consisted of Secré, Noelle, Charmy, Grey, Little Marie, Charlotte, Dorothy (though she was half asleep), Vanessa, Rill, Asta, Patry, surprisingly Mereoleana, and the leader herself, [Y/N], cheered and laughed.

William smiled softly as he rested his head on the table. Pits and pieces of the song replayed in his head. "William." Patry spoke gently as he looked at the captain. "What?" The man said as he returned his gaze to the dance floor where [Y/N] had scooped Marie up and spun her around. Patry smiled as followed the human's eyes to the [H/C]ette.

"You like her, don't you?" Patry asked. William shot up as he tried to hide his face. "N-No!" He stuttered causing the elf to laugh. "You can't lie to me. After all we've shared a body since you were young." William glared at the elf before smiling softly.

"You should tell her." Patry said as he smiled. The captain sighed as he nodded. "Yeah. You're right but she would never accept me with this." William said placing a hand on his mask.

The elf scoffed. "I'm an elf, the former leader of The Eye of the Midnight Sun, and a key player in the war against mankind." He said. "And yet [Y/N] forgave and accepted me."

William stared at Patry for a moment before smiling. "Yeah." The human said. Patry grinned before pulling the man out of his seat. "Woah! Hey, wait a minute! Patry!" He yelled as he was lead to the girl.

[Y/N] smiled as she saw the two. "Finally got him to join us huh?" She asked with a giggle as Marie squirmed in her arms. "Yep! And he has something to say to you." Patry beamed at the girl.

"Oh really now?" She said. William nodded softly as he looked out the window to the balcony. "Alright then. Come on." [Y/N] handed Marie off to Patry causing the girl to smile and nuzzle against him. He may have been evil but he adores children, especially the young Adlai.

After walking out in the moonlight, the girl turned and looked at her superior. "What's bugging ya, Will?" [Y/N] asked. William's breath stopped momentarily at her nickname for him.

"Well....I.....uh....." William stuttered before taking a deep breath. "I love you [Y/N] but I'm scared you'll hate me when you see my face." He said looking down with tears threatening to fall.

"Is that the truth? Will, you know that I accept everyone no matter what their faults. No one's perfect but we're all the same at the end of the day." [Y/N] said. "What does that mask hide from the world? Good or bad I'll never judge you for it."

William smiled. "If you want to know the man behind the mask. You have to unveil him yourself." He said as he pulled [Y/N] against him. The girl smiled before reaching up to touch the Golden Dawn captain's signature mask.

The man held his breath as he closed his eyes. He was scared of [Y/N]'s reaction to his scar that had caused him so much pain and misery throughout his life. William was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't notice the mask was gone until a gentle kiss was placed on his face.

He opened his eyes to see [Y/N] smiling. "I love it. It's unique and different." She said as she placed a kiss against the purple flesh. William shuddered as she did. "You're not scared or creeped out?" He asked. The girl tilted her head in confusion. "Why would I be?" [Y/N] asked. The male shook his head with a smile.

"Thank you. You can't imagine how much that means to me." The male said before capturing her lips with his. The girl smiled softly as she kissed back. They would have stayed there if not for cheers to erupt from behind them.

The two turned to see the rest of the Magic Knight captains and their squads along with Patry. "Oh lord." William yelped as he tried to hide his face from the group. Patry laughed at that. "Kinda pointless since half the people here saw it after we escaped the Shadow Palace." The elf said as he sat Marie down. The Adlai girl ran over as William watched her. "What happened?" She asked softly as William scooped her into his arms.

William smiled softly as he let the ten-year-old trace his scar with her fingertip. [Y/N] smiled as well before nodding. The captain sighed and turned his attention to everyone. "I think it's time for people to learn my story." He said.

And with that the male spoke of his past, scar and all. All the while his vice-captain and new girlfriend stood at his side. Accepting him and proving that scar or no scar, her heart would forever belong to him.

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Love y'all😘

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