Mars x Reader

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Requested by @Sekushi_chi
Sorry if it's not what you wanted. Mars is an unfamiliar character so he may be OOC here
Modern AU
[Y/N]-Your name
This was inspired by the song "What If She's An Angel" by Tommy Shane Steiner.
If you've never heard it, then I suggest giving it a listen. It's adorable and a heart breaker.
(⬇️)Link below(⬇️)
I don't own anything but the plot.

I sighed as I leaned back in my seat. "What's wrong love?" My boyfriend asked from his position in the driver's seat. "Nothing." I said as I glanced out the window recognizing the landscape. I smiled sadly as he came in to view.

Standing on the corner by the stoplights was a old man. He was alway there with his little cardboard sign that read 'Will work for food' and a tin can in his hand.

"Mars, roll down the window." I said as we stopped at the light. The boy looked at me before shaking his head. "It's not worth it, [Y/N]." He said as he turned his attention back to the road. I frowned as the light turned green.

Later that night as we sat watching T.V, I whimpered softly as the yells and bangs from the apartment above began again. "We should help her, ya know." I said as he turned the volume up. "We would only get hurt ourselves. No." He said.

The next day, we came across the woman who lived above us. She had cuts on her lips and face with her black eye hidden behind a pair of shades. Mars looked away as he pulled me along, but I couldn't do the same. "I'm sorry." I muttered softly as she give a weak smile.

The next incident of Mars trying to ignore the world's problems was three nights later. We were watching the evening news when the story of a little girl came on. Her father held her in his lap as she pulled the baseball cap down over her eyes. 'She is battling for her life against leukemia.' The girl's father said as Mars changed the channel.

"Hey! I was watching that!" I yelled. "And?" He asked boringly as I stood up. "What if you were sitting in her daddy's shoes?" I asked before heading to our shared room. "Hey wait!? [Y/N]!?" I heard him call before I slammed the door shut.

"Babe? What's wrong?" He asked as he sat on the bed. I huffed burying my face in the pillow. "Come on, talk to me." He said as he shook my shoulder. "You won't listen." I grumbled sitting up. "Why do you think that?" He questioned.

I smiled sadly as I thought about the old man on the corner, the lady who lived above us, and that poor little girl fighting for her life. "What if they're angels, Mars? The old man, the woman, and that little girl?" I answered softly.

"The look on their faces, begging for help. Deep down we can be their saving grace." Mars froze before he smiled. "I try to forget that look. But I know I can't." He said softly as he looked up at the heavens. "If they are angels, then they sent here from Heaven to make certain we're doing our best to help one another."

I smiled softly. "So you agree." He nodded as he pecked my lips. "Now we have a little girl that needs help." He said as he turned on the T.V to finish the story of the leukemia girl.

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Love y'all😘

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