Patry/Licht x William

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Happy Pride Month!
Now let's celebrate with another of my fav. Black Clover ships, Patry/Licht x William
(Fight Meh, they're kawii together!!)
Contains spoilers for "Dawn", Black Clover ep.120
I don't own anything but the plot.

It was just after the battle within the Shadow Palace. Rades had trapped Patry's soul in the artificial body that once held Licht claiming that he wanted the elf to live in fear after what he did. "Wow. So, after all that, you didn't even get to go back with Licht like you wanted. Ain't that just the way. It's only fair, though." Rhya said.

The elf turned to see the members of what was the Third Eye. The three were bound to their forms after their second reincarnation. "Rhya." Party said as he tried to walk over to them, however he was still weak on his feet and tripped.

William dove forward to catch him before pushing him back up onto his feet. "It's you. I never expected we'd see each other face to face." He said as he studied the elf. "Neither did I." Patry said. "My closest companion who shares my sin. There was so much I wanted to tell you." William pushed the elf away gently. "But first, this. He may not listen, but I owe someone an apology."

Patry nodded as William turned to one of the captains. "I know this is a selfish thing to ask you, but Yami, please take me to Julius at once." The man growled slightly but agreed. "Bye Patry." William said as he and everyone else left. "Yeah." Patry said with a small smile.

"Oh?" Rhya said as he noticed the elf's smile. "I think little man likes someone." He teased causing Patry's face to explode pink. "No! I don't!" He yelled trying to hide the blush. Rhya laughed along with Vetto and Fana. "Your face says otherwise." Fana giggled. "You're both wrong, now shut up." Patry said as he flew off leaving the Third Eye members behind.

Before long Patry landed on the roof top of Golden Dawn headquarters. "Why did I come here? It's not like I want to see him." He muttered as he laid down.

Later that night, William returned home in a bit of a sour mode. He had given his grimoire to Julius for safe keeping until he was worthy of handling it once more. After all he was to blame for what happened in the Clover Kingdom just as much as the elves.

"Elves." William said as he looked up at the ceiling of his room where some mana could be felt. The man walked over to the window and leaned out. There, hanging off the roof, was the legs of his elfin friend.

"Patry?" He asked softly. A small yelp was heard before legs were replaced by a head. "Oh. It's just you." Patry said softly as he leaned down over the roof's edge. His hair was tangled slightly from sleep and, due to gravity, was pulled down framing his face. William blushed at the sight. He may be an elf, but William had to admit he was cute.

"What are you doing up there?" The man asked. "Nothing." The elf said as he flipped off the roof and through the window of William's room. "Nice move." William said with a smile. "Thanks." The elf beamed.

The two plopped down on the bed and talked about their lives before they met each other with Patry clearing up some of the memories he had shared with the nine-year-old William.

"Hey Patry?" William asked. "Yeah?" The elf spoke gently as watched how William bit his lip. The man sighed closing his eyes. 'Here goes nothing.' He thought as he spoke. "This is gonna sound crazy considering what just happened, but IloveyouPatry." William said as he hid his face in the pillows.

Patry blinked at the male's confession. All though he said it too fast the elf understood. He smiled softly as he placed a hand on William's head. "Raise your head William." The human did as he was told revealing his tear-stained face.

Patry smiled as he wiped the tears away. He couldn't blame William for crying after what he said. He was gay and in love with an elf. Two things that were bound to ruin his reputation in the kingdom. Patry would be crying too if their roles were reversed.

"It's okay. I love you too William." He said as he leaned forward. William let out a soft sob before he pulled Patry the rest of the way crashing their lips together.

Patry smiled against the man lips as he held his cheeks. The kiss was gentle and sweet but soon oxygen became a problem. The two parted as William panted softly. "I...." He said as he tried to catch his breath.

Patry just shook his head as he pushed him back into the pillows and curled up beside him. "Just sleep now, William." He whispered softly as he laid his head on the male's chest. William nodded as he wrapped his arms around the elfin boy's waist. Content and comfortable in each other's hold the new human and elf couple fell in to the dreamworld.

The people can whatever they want but the two will never let anyone or anything tear them apart.

"You love who love ain't nothing you should ever be ashamed of." -Luke Bryan
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Love y'all😘

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