William X Reader

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Requested by MinakoArisato04
[Y/N]-Your name
[H/C]-Hair Color
I don't own anything but the plot.

I groaned as I flipped over in bed for the umpth time. I was dead tired, but for some reason I couldn't sleep. I sighed softly as I sat up and glanced at the clock. "3 am, huh?" I muttered standing up. My head screamed for me to lay back down but it was useless.

Grabbing my mask and slipping it on, I made my way to my office. If I can't sleep, then I might as well catch up with my paperwork. That's when I heard it.

A sweet angelic voice singing some unknown song. "Who?" I questioned as I followed the voice. I wondered the halls careful not to wake up my squad. When I finally got close enough to make out the lyrics, the voice abruptly stopped.

"Aww man." I muttered softly as I looked around. The voice had lead me through the headquarters and in the flower garden that Mimosa had built. I smiled softly before yawning. "Bedtime." I said as I headed back to my room.

The next morning, I awoke to my squad talking and laughing in the kitchen. "Morning." I said as I stood in the doorway. "Morning Captain." Patry, my elfin counterpart, said as he waved me over.

It was still new to hear him call me 'Captain', but I'll get used to it. "You slept late." Mimosa said as she handed me a plate of food. "Really?" I asked. "What time is it?" The elf scoffed at my obliviousness. "12:30." He said.

"Wow. I slept that long." I said stunned. I was always up before the team which was roughly 5 or 6 in the morning. "Welp, that's what I get for not sleeping until 3."

Patry laughed softly at me as [Y/N], a Night Magic user on the team, came in. "Good morning." She chirped as she grabbed a water from the fridge. "Where have you been?" Mimosa asked.

"Training." The [H/C]-haired girl smiled. I shook my head before speaking up. "By the way, did anyone else hear the singing last night?" The squad looked at me before shaking their heads.

"I didn't." Patry said as he looked at [Y/N]. I hummed lowly as I noticed how he and [Y/N] went rigid. "Okay then." I said. There's something that they're not telling me.

This occurred for the next two weeks. I wouldn't be able to sleep or awake up too early, hear the voice, follow it to the garden only for it to stop, then head to bed. That was when I decided to take measures into my own hands.

I set my alarm for a hour before the mystery voice sang and went to bed. After it went off, I headed to Mimosa's garden. I sat there before watching as a shadow figure weaved through the brambles.

I hid my ki as the figure sighed softly. The figure pushed the hood of its head as I gasped softly. "[Y/N]!" I shouted without meaning to. The girl yelped as she whipped around. "C-captain!" She stuttered as I stepped up to her.

"So it was you. You're the one I hear singing." I smiled. The girl nodded shyly. "I don't like performing in front of others, so wait until I know everyone's asleep before coming out here." She explained. "Patry is the only one who knows because we train together and I'll sing during it sometimes."

I sighed softly as I grabbed her chin gently. "Could you sing for me? Just this once." I asked as she smiled softly. "Sure, but you can't say anything about this to the others." [Y/N] said as I released her. She took a deep breath before humming softly. Slowly but surely, the humming evolved into a song.

I give up, I surrender
And be nice, 'cause this heart's a little tender
You were right, I was wrong, boy
Yes, I know that you knew it all along, boy
Tried to tell me we belonged together, I knew better, I was like "no"
I admit it, I'm a wild child looking for a hand to hold

[Y/N] smiled as she held out her hand for me to take. I shook my head before she pulled me up beside her. "I don't dance." I said blushing at how close we were. "Everyone can dance." The [H/C]-ette said as she continued to sing.

You be the lines, I'll be the color
Just like the day and night need each other
Life ain't as great without the other
You be the lines, I'll be the color, oh
I'll be the color, oh

I was quick to catch on as I began to sing with her.

Well, you're the rock, you're the steady
You need someone to push you in before you're ready
Well, I'm the rush, I'm the crazy
But I'll be circling the moon without you, baby
You be the lines, I'll be the color
Just like the day and night need each other
Life ain't as great without the other
You be the lines, I'll be the color, oh
I'll be the color, oh
Oh, yeah
Nothing feels like you, boy
I don't know how you knew, boy
You tried to tell me we belonged together, I was like "no"
I admit it, I'm a wild child looking for a hand to hold
You be the lines, I'll be the color
Just like the day and night need each other
Life ain't as great without the other
You be the lines, I'll be the color, oh
I'll be the color, oh, yeah
And life ain't as good without the other
So you be the lines, I'll be the color, oh
I'll be the color, oh

I smiled softly as she laughed. "Can't dance, huh?" [Y/N] smirked as she pulled away. "Well good night William." She said walking away. "Wait!" I said as I grabbed her wrist.

Twisting her back around to face me I captured her lips with a gentle kiss. [Y/N] gasped as she froze in my arms. I was about to pull away when she wrapped her arms around my neck and returned it.

We pulled apart after who-knows-how long both short of breath. "I..." The girl muttered softly as I smiled at her. "I have loved you since the day we met. My songstress." I told her.

"I didn't think you felt the same." [Y/N] said as she caught her breath. I nodded as she smiled. "Well then. I love you too, my Phantom." She said before kissing me again.

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Love y'all😘

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