Licht x Reader

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Requested by AndIOop_Anime
[Y/N]-Your name
I don't own anything but the plot.

I hated being royalty. My elder brother and sister lived for it almost but I just didn't care. It wasn't my style.

"[Y/N]! Come on please!" My sister, Tetia, begged me as she tried to get me into a dress. "No way." I said as I eyed the gown she held up.

It was pretty I say that much but that doesn't mean I want to wear it. It was sleeveless and hung down to my knees. A black mash created the skirt while the bodice was bedazzled in red, silver, and black sequins.

 A black mash created the skirt while the bodice was bedazzled in red, silver, and black sequins

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Your Dress(⬆️)

"I'm not wearing some decked out outfit when it's just a meeting with Dad." I said as Tetia frowned. "Fine but if you get in trouble I'm not helping you." She said as she left. I rolled my eyes before gazing out the window.

A smile laced my lips as I walked over grabbing my broom in the process. Before my siblings could find out I leap out and flew off.

I smiled as the wind curled around my body and whipped my hair back. Before long I touched down at a small clearing. The green grass swayed as the river and waterfall babbled gently. The birds were heard chirping and every so often a critter would come out from hiding to visit.

This was my favorite place on earth because it was the one place where I could forget about being the youngest Clover heir. I sighed as I pulled my shoes off and sat on the river bank.

"Hi there." A gentle voice spoke. I yelped as I turned to face the speaker which resulted in me falling in the water. "Are you okay?" The voice asked softly as a hand was stuck out for me to grab. "I'm fine. Thank you." I said as I grabbed the hand and looked at the owner.

He had snowy white hair that was pulled back into a thin braid. His outfit consisted of a white shirt with a blue fabric draped over his shoulder that wrapped around his waist. The detail that stuck me the most though was his ears. Elf ears.

"I'm sorry to have startled you." He said softly. "No, it's okay. I didn't know that anyone knew of this place." I said smiling. "Of course. All the elves come here." He said. I tilted my head confused. "All?" I questioned. The male nodded as a small group of elves pushed past the leaves into the clearing.

There was a two women, one with blonde and one with pink hair, a blonde-haired male, and a man with white hair. The last one was a little boy who looked almost like a younger version of the one beside me.

"Meet Charla, Fana, Vetto, Rhya and Patry." He said as the ones named either waved or nodded. "And I'm Licht, leader of the Elves." I smiled. "I'm [Y/N], youngest child of the Clover family."

"Clover?" Patry asked. "You mean you're the princess?" I growled softly nodding. "Yes. But I hate it." I said. "How come?" Fana asked. "I just can't stand it." I said.

"[Y/N]!" A gentle voice yelled. I smiled softly as a black-haired girl landed in the clearing. Meet Sercé Swallowtail. She's the assistant to my brother, Lumiere, and my best friend. She's also the only one who knows about my hideaway. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but it's time to go home." I nodded softly as I grabbed my broom. "Bye y'all." I said before leaving.

After that day, I always stuck out to see the elves. Licht especially. Unknown to anyone other than Secré, I had fallen in love with the elf.

"You should tell him." Secré said as she brushed my wild and woolly mess of hair . "I know but I'm scared he doesn't feel the same." Secré rolled her eyes as she smiled at me in the mirror. "I'm sure he does, after all it's been a year." She said making me blush.

She's right. It's been a year today since I met the elfin leader and we were almost always together. Hell, Patry's 15 and even he could tell that we were in love. I sighed softly as I smiled.

"Yeah." I said as Secré held up a dress, the same one Tetia had tried to force me into.
I rolled my eyes, but allowed her to help me into the outfit.

As night fell, Secré and I flew to my hideaway. The place where Licht and I met. Unbeknownst to me, the elves had decorated the place with flowers and small jars of fireflies.

Secré landed us just outside the clearing where the elves had gathered. "Well don't you clean up nice." Ryna said as he took in my appearance. This was the first time since we met that I wasn't in a tank top and shorts.

"Shut up Rhya. You look beautiful [N/N]." Fana said as I kneeled down so Patry could place a flower in my hair. "Licht's waiting for you." The young elfin boy said.

I nodded and walked into the clearing. "Licht." I said as my breath caught. He wore the same outfit as always but his hair was pulled out of his braid. "[Y/N]." He said as he smiled.

"I have loved you from the moment I laid my eyes on you. I want to be your sun and moon. Your stars and planets. I want to be your everything. I love you and want to be your boyfriend and maybe husband someday. That is if you're willing."

I sobbed softly as I nodded. "Yes Licht. I would love to be yours." I said as I ran into his arms. He grinned as he lifted me off the ground and spun me around. I laughed before I pulled the elf into a sweet and gentle kiss.

Licht returned it instantly as the others filled into the clearing cheering. "Finally." Secré said smiling as the elves cheered for their leader and his new girlfriend-slash-future bride.

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Love y'all😘

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