Chapter 14

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"Baby, have anyone ever told you how perfect you are?" I asked him lovingly.

"I tell that to myself everytime I look in mirror." I rolled my eyes and slapped him over chest playfully "Just kidding darling, no one ever told me that."

"Well, I'm telling you so now, you're perfect and I love you so much."

"Darling I never thought of doing this in this way, but whatever, this feels like right time." I looked at him confused. He than stood up and went in to bedroom took something out of night stand and than quickly put it in his pocket. He walked back to balcony and he got on his knees in front of couch i was sitting on. I slowly began to realize what he was doing. I was scared. I'm not sure if I'm ready for it. But no, I'm not going to tell him no, I love him way to much to do it to him or even myself. He than started talking but my thoughts were somewhere far away thinking how I wasn't ready for marriage, but at the end I started smiling like a total idiot at thought of being his wife. And after what it felt like 4 hours of talking something I couldn't hear or understand because I was in my own world, he finally said it and brought me back from my day dreaming.

"...Paula Julie Abdul, will you marry me?" I saw him standing there on one knee looking at me so happy like a lost puppy who just found home and I smiled wide and said loudly,

"YES!" He than put a beautiful, big perfect diamond ring on my finger that fit perfectly with my tiny fingers. He than stood up and kissed me passionately.

I maybe wasn't ready for another marriage yet, but who said I will marry him tomorrow?

---A bit later---

"Simon, nooo, don't leave me, you can't leave me!" I screamed while holding my beloved fiance in my arms. He was bleeding a lot. That bastard shoot him. I couldn't move I just sat there crying while holding hands on place where he got shot. It was painful to watch him like that, bleeding to death, he didn't move or even open his eyes, I felt like my whole world was crushing down. I closed my eyes.

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