Preparing for the Worst

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Hey guys, how are you all doing. I know it has been a little while since I last posted. I'm still in trouble but I can't keep all of you waiting for the second book forever, ITS FINALLY HERE, enjoy ;)

Fabians POV

(Time laps is caught up with Natsu proposing to Lucy)

I laid there weak still recovering from what had almost been my death. 2 months I spent in a coma, this last month I have been laying low, they can't find out I'm alive not yet anyway. God, I will make both of them pay for what they did to me. I will find a way to kill Natsu.

"Natsu.......Natsu Dragneel," I whispered. Sitting on the edge of a cliff, looking down at the ocean view. I lived in the Dragon realm but Queen Layla took the castle over. My nobleman pulled me out of the ruins before anyone saw my body. 

"Still thinking about what happened?" My nobleman asked, carrying food my way. 

I sighed," They will never win. Not as long as I live. Natsu Dragneel will never win." Getting louder with that last sentence. 

"Be careful or your stitches will rip," he stated cautious. The scar over my right eye had been cut open once more. It's almost done turning into another scar. 

I sighed," well as long as he has what is mine, I will forever be angry." I gazed at the ocean view, the beauty it had was breath taking, almost like Lucy." Were is Lilith?" I questioned.

He turned back to the campsite," She is the one cooking your food, did you forget that she was your servant?"

I placed my hand over my head, a pounding headache suddenly occurred, trying to remember anything past my objective made my head hurt. "Maybe I'm just tired," trying to shrug off his question.

"Master Fabian maybe you should get some rest," a white haired woman said approaching the both of us. She had a really big bust, bigger than Lucy's. Her hair stretched past her butt, but today it was in a high ponytail. She wore a red shirt that showed most of her cleavage, she wore black pants. A tattoo of a dragon was placed on the lower part of her torso.

I got up, brushing off myself. "Maybe, I still haven't fully recovered yet." I walked back to the camp site, went into my tent, laid there. Your not going to see in coming, but I will be coming for you, Lucy.

"Lilith!!" I called out. 

"Yes master," she said, concern flooded her voice. I sat up looking her straight in the eye. Her movement told me she was a little nervous by my action.

"I want you to continue to spy on Lucy, I am almost fully recovered but I want my attach to be a surprise." I stated rising to my feet, moving toward her.

"How do you expect me to do that?" She asked. I put my hands around her waist. Her arms wrapped around my neck.

"She is getting married right, so be the one to sell those dresses that the girls put on, I think those are the bridesmaids," I stood there in thought for a moment." You are also a succubus after all, after that I want you to try and gain entry through Natsu, use your power to try and sleep with him."

"Hmm I think I could do that." She said in a sweet tone.

I leaned in forward, I gave her a rough kiss. It quickly escalated into rough and heavy. I laid her on my bed preparing to go forward with what I had in mind. She pulled away before I could reach down her pants.

"Why don't you just have me instead of her," She said in a desiring tone.

"We have been over this many times, my plan has to be full filed first, we have to prepare for the worst." I said getting slightly irritated. 

"Ok I hear you," she leaned in for another heavy kiss. I pulled off her shirt, slid my hands down her pants. 

Natsu's POV

I woke up, feeling the bed for Lucy, she wasn't there. I shot up looking around the room. "Lucy, you here?" I called out for her.

"Yeah I'm in the bathroom," she called back. I walked to the bathroom, when I looked in I saw her evaluating her canines. 

She looked back at me," Did they hurt for you when they were growing in?" She questioned in pain, with her finger still in her mouth.

"Not that I remember," I replied. I walked up behind her, hugging her. Kissing her neck, then looking down at the engagement ring on her finger. 

"Our wedding is in a couple of months," she stated turning around facing toward me. She gave me a genital peck. 

I looked in those beautiful brown eyes," I know, but I'm not to worried about it."

She let go of me by what I said,"why?" The seriousness took over her voice.

I quickly grabbed her again," because I will be marrying the only one in this entire world that I truly love." Saying that sent butterflies in my stomach. I'm really going to be marrying the hottest girl I have ever seen.

"Well I have to go meet Levy and Erza to go pick out the bridesmaids dresses." She kissed me good bye and left. I got dressed and went straight for the guild.

I opened the doors walked over to Gray and Gajeel and sat down. "So what are we going to do for the bachelor party?" Gray asked. 

"I don't know, something exciting though," I sighed. 

Gajeel looked at me with suspicion," hmm are you getting cold feet about the wedding." He slaps me on my back.

"No," I yelled in his face." Just a little nervous." I sighed

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