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As Jisung left the school building, he took out his phone and saved Minho's number. He noticed his dad's car in the driveway and lazily walked over. When he opened the car door, his dad noticed the new contact on his phone.

"Who the fuck is that?" Daejung asked.

"Someone from school." Jisung mumbled.

"Oh so she's your girlfriend." Daejung said quietly.

"No dad, he's a boy." Jisung groaned.

"Cool I don't care. Just shut up until we get home." Daejung sighed.

Jisung sighed and decided to call Minho. He immediately answered the call.

"Who is this?" Minho asked.

"Jisung from school." Jisung groaned.

"Oh yeah, the guy who looks like a squirrel." Minho said. "Anyways send your address I'm coming over."

Jisung turned to his dad. "Can he?" Jisung asked. Daejung nodded in response.

"My dad said yes. Sending you the address." Jisung said softly.

"Cool. See ya later, cutie." Minho said quickly before hanging up.

Daejung looked at Jisung weirdly.

"Did that boy just call you cutie?" Daejung asked.

"He was just joking." Jisung said.

"He better not turn you into a fag, thats all that I'm saying." Daejung said under his breath.

Educate yourself, dad. Jisung thought.


The drive home seemed longer than usual. This just meant more torture for Jisung.

Jisung ran up to his bedroom the second they got home and he flopped on his bed. He saw that he got a text from Minho.

Mean Hoe 🤔
Almost there, cutie

Jisung didn't know why, but he got butterflies in his stomach every time Minho called him that. Jisung responded to the text immediately.

Squirrel 🐿
Ok. See you soon

Jisung became nervous thinking about Minho being at his house. He's known this kid for only a day, so he was a little unsure about him. Sure, he had defended him from that Hyunjin guy, but he also had a reputation for being the worst bully in the school.

Still, Minho was being oddly friendly to Jisung and he didn't know what to think. To make things even more complicated, Minho was extremely attractive.

Jisung heard a knock on the front door, and he quickly ran downstairs. He opened the door to see Minho smiling.

"Hey there, Squirrel." Minho said before checking Jisung out.

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Come in Mean Hoe." Jisung said in an annoyed tone.

"Don't call me that or I will beat your ass." Minho threatened.

Jisung sighed. "Whatever. Follow me." He said.

Jisung lead Minho up to his bedroom. Jisung noticed how Minho was closely observing the house. The house he lived in was in bad condition because his dad didn't work. He earned most of his money by doing god knows what.

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