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Minho stopped the car in front of Jisung's house.

"Remember. If anything happens, call me." Minho said.

Jisung nodded. "I will." He said.

"Pay attention to the details, every last word of the phone calls." Minho said.

Jisung nodded again. "I know, Minho." He said while laughing.

Minho gave him a soft smile. "I love you." He said softly.

"I love you too." Jisung said.

Jisung got out of Minho's car and walked up to the door. He hesitated for a second before he knocked. The door swung open almost immediately.

Jisung looked up at his fathers angry expression. He looked back, but Minho's car was gone.

"Get in the house you piece of shit." Daejung said quietly but sternly.

Jisung only nodded before he went inside. Daejung closed the door.

Daejung shoved Jisung to the ground.

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" Daejung screamed.

Jisung was breathing heavily. "With a friend." He whispered.

Daejung kicked him.


Jisung couldn't form words, all he thought about was how he already missed Minho.

Daejung calmed down and stood up straight.

"You were with the fag, weren't you?" Daejung asked quietly.

Jisung backed away feeling a tear run down his face.

"His name is Minho, dad." Jisung said quietly.

"He made you into a fag." Daejung said. "You have no idea what I'm gonna do to him."

"Dad, please." Jisung whispered.

"Go upstairs." Daejung said.

"Dad just listen-"

"I said." Daejung yelled. "Go upstairs."

Jisung quickly ran upstairs and locked his door. He sat on the floor while crying.

It's all gonna be over soon He thought.

Suddenly, Jisung got a good idea.

He downloaded a voice recording app on his phone. If his father got on another call, he would be able to record them all and once they figured everything out, they could send the recordings to the police.

He heard his dad's phone ringing.

Jisung quietly opened the door, and snuck down the stairs. He saw his dad looking out the window in the kitchen. He pressed the record button on the phone.

"Beomseok, listen. I need you to do something about your son." Daejung said.

There was a short pause.

"He's turning my son into a fag!" Daejung yelled.

Another pause.

"Either get rid of him, or get rid of my son." Daejung said.

Jisung felt a shiver down his spine.

"Han Jisung." Daejung said.

This pause was long.

"I don't care how much your fag likes him, kill him." Daejung said. "I hate him so much."

Jisung hated his father too, but just hearing those words caused him to tear up, even though he was already well aware that his dad hated him.

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