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"How do you explain the drop in your grades?" Mrs. Kim asked.

The boys looked at each other before looking back at their teacher, who was eager to get an answer out of them.

"Well there has been a lot of um... things happening lately." Felix said.

"Things we can't tell you about." Changbin mentioned.

Mrs. Kim sighed. "What kind of things?" She asked.

Felix sighed and looked at Changbin. "Bad, bad, things." He said.

"Tell me what that means." Mrs. Kim said.

Jisung stepped forward.

"Why are we required to tell you everything? Some things are private." Jisung said.

Minho looked at Jisung, surprised at his sudden confidence.

Mrs. Kim looked down. "Maybe some of you guys should see a therapist." She said.

Minho looked confused. "Why would we need to see a therapist?" He asked.

"Because it seems that you guys might be going through some things at home." She said.

"No, it's not like that." Minho said. "It's something else."

"Well you guys need to tell me before you get in trouble." She said.

Minho stepped forward, close to his teacher's face.

"Look." He began. "I don't think you understand what's happening."

Mrs. Kim was noticeably tense. "W-what?" She asked.

"This is something that is way beyond your control and way beyond mine." He warned. "Now if we were to tell you, it would be no good for any of us, alright?"

"Are you trying to get in trouble?" She asked.

Minho chuckled. "Are you?" He asked.

The teacher pushed Minho away.

"Fine. Don't tell me." She said quickly before leaving the classroom.

Jisung laughed. "How do you just scare people in to leaving you alone?" He asked.

"Oh, its a gift." Minho said with pride.

"Whatever." Jisung said.

The boys left the classroom, but Hyunjin stayed behind.


Hey Kyungsam

What's up?

Nothing really
But I have something that I need to tell you
Something that's really really big

What is it?

I wanna tell you in person.

Okay then
Meet me at the park then?

Don't tell anyone you're coming.
Wait, you're really just gonna skip school for me?

Oh we don't have school today
I'll see you at the park


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