
336 11 4

Jeongin was feeling... conflicted.

He felt so stupid to admit that he had fallen for Seungmin. He was in denial for so long, but he was finally ready to admit his feelings. He liked Seungmin.

I need to talk to someone about this... Jeongin thought.


The Child:
Jisung I need to talk to you

Minos Hoe:
What is it?

The Child:
Jesus this is so embarrassing
But I think I like Seungmin

Minos Hoe:
Why is that embarrassing
You like Seungmin
So what?
Plus we were predicting it from the beginning

The Child:
Well he's annoying
And I hate him

Minos Hoe:
Boi didn't you just say you liked him

The Child:
I do like him
I love him
But I also kinda want to punch him in the face

Minos Hoe:
Well ok
Tell him you like him

The Child:
He might reject me
He's out of my league

Minos Hoe:
Tell him


Jisung is such an ass Jeongin thought. He didn't have to just leave like that.

But Jeongin knew that Jisung was right. He had to tell Seungmin.


My baby:
Seungmin I have to tell you something

What is it babyyyyy
You can tell me anything my precious little bb 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I love youuu

My baby:
I like you
I really like you
I don't know how it happened but it did

Are you serious?
my jeonginnie i love you so much 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺💖

My baby:
You're such an idiot -.-
I love you too

This is the best fucking day ever
Jeonginnie 🥺🥺🥺
You're so cute

My baby:
Will you be my boyfriend
I know i'm not the best person
But I do love you

Of course I will baby 😭
My life is complete
God Kai is bothering me....
Gotta go
Bye my angel 🥺

My baby:
Bye dumbass


Jeongin flopped down on his bed, smiling to himself.

That dumbass... He thought

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