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"Jisung, I promise it'll be alright." Minho said while petting Jisung's hair.

Jisung was breathing heavily. "No it won't, we have to tell the police or we could get in trouble for not saying anything, and if we tell the police we all die." Jisung yelled.

Minho pulled Jisung into a tight hug. "We have to call the others. I promise it's all going to be okay sweetie." Minho whispered.

Jisung continued to cry into Minho's chest. "I really hope you're right."


It wasn't long before they heard multiple people pounding on the front door. Minho opened the door to let everyone in.

Hyunjin glanced at Jisung. Jisung smiled and waved.

Hyunjin approached Jisung.

"I'm sorry that this is happening to you, Jisung." Hyunjin said. He touched Jisung's hand.

Jisung was taken aback by the action. "I-its okay." He stuttered.

Minho looked at them with a confused facial expression. Jisung just shrugged. Minho walked over and took Jisung's hand and walked away, while glaring at Hyunjin.

"So how are we gonna fix this mess?" Seungmin asked. "You didn't invite everyone here for nothing."

Jeongin groaned. "We should've never gotten ourselves involved." He whined. "None of this would've happened."

Seungmin took Jeongin's hand. "Don't say that." He said softly.

Jeongin blushed. He quickly pulled away from Seungmin. "Get your hands off me, stupid." He mumbled.

"We don't know how to fix this, but we figured you guys could help." Jisung said.

"Well." Felix started. "I feel like we should tell someone."

"I don't think it's a very good idea. We never know when they're watching, and we can't risk all of our lives for this." Changbin said.

"True." Jeongin said. "But you know that if we wait, they're gonna kill Kai and Seungmin."

"Theres no way out of this." Jisung muttered. "We're stuck."

Soobin sighed. "Look, I think we should take our chances and tell the police." He said. "If we do, everyone involved will go to prison. If we stay silent for too long, Seungmin and Kai will be killed."

"This is really fucking disgusting." Felix said. "All of it."

Minho sighed. "I know. We have to do something." He said.

Jisung looked down. "This is all my fault." He said quietly.

Minho put his arm around Jisung. "No, it isn't anybody's fault." He said.

"If I hadn't been listening in on my fathers phone conversations, we never would've been in this mess." Jisung said.

"Stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault." Hyunjin said. "If anything, it's Minho's fault."

Minho looked up. "The fuck? How is this my fault?!"

"Your dad is the one causing all this." Hyunjin said.

"Jinnie, that doesn't make it his fault." Chan said. "Minho isn't his dad."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "You're just saying it because your his friend." He said.

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