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"Jeongin." Seungmin whispered. "You're so cute!"

Jeongin rolled his eyes. "Would you just leave me the fuck alone?" He groaned.

Minho chuckled. "Well it looks like someone likes you Jeongin." Minho teased.

"Well why'd it have to be this piece of shit?" Jeongin asked.

"Hey!" Seungmin shouted. "That hurts!"

Jeongin giggled. "Good. Now leave me alone." He said.

Seungmin made a pouty face. "You're so mean Innie." He whined.

Jeongin slapped him in the face. "Shut the fuck up for once in your life." He said.

Jisung continued to think about why Minho decided to protect him instead of bully him. What about him in particular made Minho want to protect him instead of literally anyone else in the school?

Jisung tugged on Minho's shirt.

"Minho hyung, can we go somewhere private?" Jisung whispered.

"Sure." Minho said.

The two got up and headed outside the cafeteria.

"Is something wrong?" Minho asked.

"Kinda." Jisung said quietly. "Come here."

Jisung pulled Minho into the bathroom.

"Jisung, what's going on?" Minho asked.

"So you bully anyone and everyone you see. Answer honestly, I won't be mad." Jisung said.

"Yeah, why?" Minho asked.

"Why didn't you bully me? Why did you become my friend? Why would you defend me from that Hyunjin guy?" Jisung asked.

Minho shrugged. "I don't know." He mumbled. "I guess I just didn't feel like bothering you."

Jisung sighed. "What's so special about me?" He asked.

"To be honest, I thought about bullying you, but something about you seemed different." Minho said. "You didn't automatically start being rude to me because of what you heard. I guess I kinda liked that."

Jisung looked down. "So out of every random kid in the school you chose me." He said quietly.

"You're not just some random kid. You're special." Minho whispered. Minho moved closer and touched Jisung's arm.

Jisung blushed. "How?" He asked in a timid voice.

Minho smirked and looked down at Jisung. "You're perfect, and you're mine." He whispered.

Minho shoved Jisung against the wall and began aggressively sucking on his neck leaving visible marks on him.

"M-Minho?" Jisung moaned.

Jisung moaned at the feeling of Minho's lips against his neck, and was completely into the moment not thinking about anything else.

Minho stopped abruptly causing Jisung to whine.

"Too bad we can't do this here, cutie." Minho said seductively.

"Who said I wanted to?" Jisung asked.

Minho chuckled. "Don't pretend like you didn't like it." He whispered. "Let's go back to the other idiots."

"They aren't idiots, they're my friends." Jisung said.

"Whatever, lets just go." Minho said.

Jisung rolled his eyes, following Minho out of the bathroom.

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