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Jeongyeon's POV

It was lunch break, and I was eating with Hara.

It's been a week since Chaeyoung came, he and Nayeon are quite close these days.

I don't know why but,I am really pissed whenever I see them together.

"Hey, Kyungwan are you okay?"Hara said.

"Ah, sorry I was just thinking about something."I said.

"Hmm,you seem to be stress is it because of the exams?"Hara asked.

"No, It's something else."I answered.

"Ohhh, what is it? Your making me curios?"Hara asked.

"Well, let's just say this someone always gets mad when the two of his friends are always together."I said.

"I guess, this someone could be getting a little jealous."Hara said.

"What?!I'm not so jealous of them!"I shouted.

"Woah, wait so you mean...you're jealous of-"I then cut off Hara.

"No I am not, don't ever finish that sentence Hara."I said.

It was then Chaeyoung came in.

"Hey Hyung, what's up you done eating?"Chaeyoung asked.

"Yeah, I was just talking to Hara."I answered.

Hara had a smirk face while I glared at her.

"Ah, Hyung I won't be going with you after class."Chaeyoung said.

"Huh, why where are you going?"I asked.

"Hehe, it's a secret and I won't tell you."Chaeyoung said.

I gripped my fist, I then looked at Chaeyoung.

"Are coming together with Nayeon?"I asked.

"Maybe~"Chaeyoung said with a tease.

"Look Chae, Can you just stop clinging to Nayeon."I said.

"What are you talking about, I like hangout with Nayeon."Chaeyoung stated.

"Well it's just, you two have been really close and well you're distracting her from her responsibilities."I reasoned.

"No I'm not, look me and Nayeon are just hanging out I give her some space to Hyung I'm not that clingy, do you really think I'm that kind of person?"Chaeyoung said with an angered tone.

"Hey you two, calm down someone is coming."Hara said.

"Yes you are,You know what ever since you came here you ruin everything!"I shouted.

"What? Hyung you have been spouting nonsense, wait is it because you are jeal-"before Chaeyoung could speak I cut him off.

"Yes!! Fine I admit it then I'm jealous of you and Nayeon, she is such amazing person to be with but, when you came she forgotten about me!!"I exclaimed.

It was then that Nayeon arrived to look for Chaeyoung, Nayeon looked surprised at my response.

Nayeon's POV

I didn't know what to do, I was going to look for Chaeyoung since, we are planning for a surprise to Jeongyeon But...

I guess I mad a mistake.

"Nayeon, look I'm-"Before Jeongyeon could speak I cut him off.

"That's not true Jeongyeon, I didn't forget about you to tell you the truth me and Chaeyoung were planning to surprise you after exams but, I guess I have been so ignorant I'm sorry Jeongyeon."I said

I could feel tears running from my cheecks but, Jeongyeon came up to me and said.

"Look, Nayeon I'm sorry I just misunderstood things it's just that I...really care about you alot."Jeongyeon said looking away.

"Well then, after exam I'll make it up to you okay."I assured while Jeongyeon nodded.

All of that was settled me and Chaeyoung were walking together.

"Um Nayeon-ah, do you like Jeongyeon?"Chaeyoung asked.

"I mean ofcourse he is my friend."I answered.

"No, like I mean more than that."Chaeyoung said.

I then thinked about, and couldn't help but to blush.

"I guess I'll take that as a no?"Chayeoung said.

"What no?! I mean Jeongyeon is a nice guy but, I don't think were a good match."I answered.

Chaeyoung looked at me and mumbled something to himself.

I wonder what could it be?

It Was Spring,When I Fell In Love(2yeon)Where stories live. Discover now