21:The Truth

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Jeongyeon's POV

I was in the car with Chaeyoung, and he was really pissed.

"Aish, you should have told her hyung, you can't hide it forever."Chaeyoung said annoyed.

"Look I...decided already, I'm not going to confess."

"What? Why?"Chaeyoung looking confused.

"Because...I'm not a man, all this time got me think, Nayeon deserve someone better and besides I think she...already like someone else."I reasoned.

"Oh,god really? Hyung, you're better than this you two have been through a lot."he sighed

We then finally arrived at the mansion, I quickly went out of the car.

There I saw Appa standing I then said.

"I'm going to the states with you, and that's final."

"What?! But hyung, what about the grand ball?!"Chaeyoung exclaimed.

Suddenly Appa went up to me, and said.

"Excellent choice, I am now proud of you son, and don't worry...it's totally worth it."

I nodded as he went away and I was standing there thinked to myself.

Times up Yoo Jeongyeon.

Chaeyoung's POV

Days Passed,Finally tomorrow will be the night of the ball.

Hyung, Nayeon and I are at the café waiting for our drinks.

The two of them were talking, while I received a text from Mina.

Minari: Hey Chaegie, what are you up to?

Chaegie:I'm at a café with hyung today.

Minari: Oh that's nice,Um look Chae..I kinda notice that you were a bit down lately and I'm worried,always remember that you can talk to me about it,okay?

Chaegie:Don't worry, I'm fine just kiss me and I'll feel better hahaha.

Minari: Then I'll kiss you a thousand times hahaha well I still have ballet practice love you.

"Ohh, is that your girlfriend."Nayeon teased.

"Aish, i-it's nothing."I answered.

Nayeon laughed while there I saw hyung smile but, it feels empty.

After all that we all head home, we then waved Nayeon goodbye.

It was just me and him, we walked when finally I just couldn't take it.

"Hyung, look I don't get you, after all we have been through your just going to leave, what about me? Hara? Nayeon?!"I exclaimed.

He then looked at me and said.

"I must do this Chae, I...want to do this because, I want change, to become a better man,and make everyone happy especially her."He explained.

I sighed as I hold him in the shoulder.

"Hyung, you already are a man, you don't need to this for Uncle, think about you for once."I reasoned.

"I already did Chae, but I have been to selfish for too long, I think I owe Appa alot and well...also Eomma."

Third's POV


A few years ago.

The Yoo's was a respected family, with two daughters and one son.

It was a perfect family...yet there will always be a flaw.

"Are you playing dolls with your Unnies again?!"Mr. Yoo exclaimed.

"A-Appa I was j-just l-looking, I'm s-sorry."Jeongyeon pleaded.

Mr. Yoo then took out his belt, and started to beat him up.

"A-Appa!? I'm S-Sorry?!"Jeongyeon cried.

Suddenly Mrs. Yoo came and stopped him.

"Chang-joon!, stop it! please?"Mrs.Im begged as she holds Jeongyeon.

Mr.Yoo then stopped and said.

"Make sure, he stops whatever he is doing or else, his finished."Mr.Yoo said in a bitter tone

As he left, Jeongyeon cried as he was comforted by his mother.

"E-Eomma, am I-I bad? D-Did I do s-something wrong?"

"Jeongyeon, no there is not, don't think about it, I will always love you they way you are."

Mrs.Yoo then hugged Jeongyeon, as he continues to cry.

Soon as he grows up, his mother accepted him but...

Jeongyeon arrived home from school.

"Eomma? Are you okay?"Jeongyeon asked worriedly.

"Ah, Jeongyeon how was school, are you hungry?"Mrs.Yoo asked.

Jeongyeon then noticed the bruise in her Eomma's face.

"Did he hit you again, is it because of me?"Jeongyeon asked as he was about to cry.

"Aish, I bump into a door hahaha come on I'll make you a snack okay? Let's go."

Mrs. Yoo then holds Jeongyeon's hand.

"Okay, I love you Eomma."

"I love you too, Jeongyeon-ah."

Another Year Passed.

Jeongyeon's worst fear came.

8:30pm at the Moonsun Hospital,Mrs. Yoo Jae Hwa, died.

"Eomma? Eomma?!Please wake up."

"Stand up, Jeongyeon it's time to face reality,
You're a Yoo start acting like one."Mr.Yoo said and left.

Jeongyeon cried that time knowing the person that cared for him suffered for him.

"Gomawo, Eomma, I'm so selfish."

Suddenly he saw the moonlight shining.

"For the last time, Eomma I'll be selfish okay, don't worry this Yoo Jeongyeon will change soon."

It Was Spring,When I Fell In Love(2yeon)Where stories live. Discover now