16:Meeting Her

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Chaeyoung's POV

I called my Dad yesterday, and right now I'm about to meet my fiancee.

"Are you nervous Master Son?"Ajusshi asked.

"Nah, I'm okay Ajusshi why should I be."I said.

"Who knows, maybe she is so pretty you'll faint hahaha."Ajusshi teased.

"Hahahahaha very funny Ajusshi."I said.

Finally we have arrived.

I wave Ajusshi goodbye and entered the cafe.

There I saw a girl waving to me, it must be her.

I went up to her direction.

"Hi I'm Son Chaeyoung nice to meet you..?"

"Myoui Mina." She said.

I sat down and took the menu.

"Ah don't worry I already took our orders."Mina said.

I put it down, there is clearly an awkward silence between me and her.

"Look, I'm sorry If I tried to avoid you."I said.

Mina just looked at me and replied.

"It's fine your father told me alot of things about you so I know."

Finally our orders have arrived,2 strawberry cake and coffee.

"How did you know I like strawberries?"I asked.

"Didn't I already told you how?"she answered.

"Ah righty, sorry I forgot."I said.

It was just complete silence,no wonder Dad likes her she is boring and quiet just like him.

After we ate we decided to walk around.

"Sooo, Mina what do you like to do for fun?"I asked.

"Hmm, well I like knitting and playing games."she said.

"Oh! Then I know a place that you will love let's go."I said as I grabbed her hand.

There we entered a big arcade, I realised that I was holding her hand so I let go.

"Yah, I remember playing here alot as a kid hahaha."I said.

I then saw Mina who is awe struck.

"Well let's try playing some games?"I said while she nodded.

While playing I noticed that she is really good at it, not only that her smile when she plays is really cute...b-but still I don't really like her.

It was getting late, so we decided to head home but I saw a crane game, there is a bunch of penguin plushies.

"Hey Mina, just stay right here I'll be right back."I said and she nodded.

I tried getting the plushie but it won't grab

"Come on, stupid crane game."

It was then Mina noticed me and went up to me.

"You want that plushie?"Mina asked.

"Well...uh yeah."I said.

Mina then gave it a try and she got it.

"Here Chaeyoung you can have it."Mina said as she hands me the plushie.

"Actually I was going...to give it...to you."I said blushing a bit.

Mina then giggled and said.

"You can have it Chaeyoung, really so that it will remind you of me."

I looked at her with a flustered face and she just smiled.

"F-Fine but next time, I'll get you the plushie okay."I said.

"Okay Chaengie~"she said sweetly

"Chaengie?"I asked confused.

"That's my new nick name for you well if it's uncom-"

"It's okay, I guess I'll call you Minari then hehehe."I said with a smile.

Few Days Had passed.

Mina and I got close, and to think I wouldn't like her.

Mostly during weekends we hang out and talked, she really is a different person from before and I am proud to say that I have fallen in love with her.

I was in class with Hyung when I didn't realized that the bell rang.

"Hey, Son Chaeyoung are you okay?"Jeongyeon asked.

"Ah, yeah sorry Hyung I was-"

"Busy thinking about her have you?"Jeongyeon said with a smirk.

"Yah, whatever you should focus between you and Nayeon, not me"I said back.

He slapped and I just laughed.

"Come on this your chance, the christmas party is coming soon you should tell her."I said.

"Yeah well...I'm still not sure."Jeongyeon said.

"Well you know what let's talk about it later then after class my treat."I said proudly.

"Woah, Chae you just fell in love and you're acting like that hahahaha."Jeongyeon said.

"Ofcourse!"I said.

"Don't break her heart then okay?"Jeongyeon said.

"Yeah I won't, this time I think she is the one."

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